what "Ask the..." threads would you like to see?

It’s a shame I didn’t know about the Dope a few years ago - I could have helped out with the WWII POW one. My late father in law was a POW at Stalag 9b from Christmas 1944 until April 2nd, 1945. He never talked about his experiences at all until the last few years of his life, and we were able to get some more information from fellow POWs at his funeral. Dad passed in March, 2004.

Ask the novelist
Ask the zookeeper
Ask the singer
Ask the botanist
Ask the secretary
Ask the actor
Ask the spy
Ask the model
Ask the conductor
Ask the pilot

I’ve been published once. And I was an actor once, stage, in Chicago, doing mostly Shakespeare in some really obscure venues. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Wasn’t Ask the Gay Guy the one that started all these? It was common enough to be referred to as ATGG for a while and had at least three separate threads.

Ask The Guy With Multiple Facial Piercings And Full Arm Sleeve Tattoos Driving The $60k Car What The Hell He Does For A Living. :wink:

I’d like to see…

Ask the resident of Baghdad
Ask the rich mainland-Chinese person
Ask the Russian overseas-dating-agency manager
Ask the large-company CEO
Ask the member of Skull-and-Bones club
Ask the member of PNAC
Ask the Mongolian
Ask the Tibetan
Ank the celebrity architect
Ask the Thumbnail Gallery Post wesite manager
Ask the robo-spammer
Ask the member of the Trilateral COmmision
Ask the building inspector
Ask the Mayor

I’d like to see:

" Ask the top-consultant who charges 1000 dollars an hour" .

…and then I’d ask him or her to confirm my nagging suspicion that the “Emperor-sans-clothes”-content of his job is very high .

It was Esprix who started those threads. Matt should do an ‘Ask the guy who ran for Parliament twice’ thread… :smiley:

Yikes. I’m a teacher, and when I thought of myself opening an “Ask the Teacher” thread, I seriously got a horrible feeling in my stomach.

I’ve stared at my monitor for about five minutes trying to come up with a polite way of explaining why, and I can’t :slight_smile:

Let’s just say I do that enough the other ten months of the year :slight_smile:

I’d love to see an “Ask the Astronaut” thread.

Ask the guy with all the answers.

Hmmm, that gives me an idea…

I’d love to see a multi-page thread along the lines of

“Ask the Doper Gals who’ve slept with Oakie”

Sadly, as far as I know, that’s an empty set at the moment. However, I’m more than happy to start qualifying participants…

So, we’ve got a couple of votes for astronaut, guy who lives on a boat and English teacher in a foreign country. The last has been promised for September.

Any astronauts or sailors around?

By the way, I wouldn’t mind seeing an “ask the zookeeper” thread, either.

Sure, if there is a demand for this, I wouldn’t mind starting one. gouda could chip in as well. Since India is such a vast and diverse country, our answers would not be representative of the country as a whole, but could possibly provide some interesting insights into the everyday life of an Indian.

Having had one of those as my boss for a while, I can confirm that not only is the Emperor unclothed, he didn’t wipe his ass right the last time he needed to.

Dude got recently shoved down to #2 in my list of Most Useless Boss I’ve Had, by another consultant who only charged about 500€/day.

I’d like to see:

Ask the ice cream truck driver
another vote for ask the CEO
Ask the secret shopper
Ask the amway guy
Ask the Subway Booth Guy
Ask the fostermom (I’ve thought about starting this, but feel I don’t have enough experience with the system yet, I’d help out though if someone else starts it.)
Ask the fosterchild (or former fosterchild)
Ask the divorce lawyer (w/ standard disclaimers)
Ask the INS guy

I would LOVE it. Being the ex-pat that I am, there is so little I know about how people actually live there. I have visited, but it’s been over ten years, and there’s so much I’d like to hear about the politics, the elections, the government, the day-to-day life, the interactions between different classes of life, situations at work, their feelings about the States…
damn, I can sit here and come up with 20 questions in a second. If you would want to, I personally would be there like a shot.

It’s been a long time, but I was with them for a couple years. Not sure how helpful I’d be but I could answer questions.

If people think it’s time for another ask the gay guy, I’d do that one too.

Ask the A-list celebrity. A real, honest-to-goodness A-lister who would answer straightforward questions without career spin.

Ask Paul McCartney.

Ask the guy who is morbidly obese and needs people to feed him.

Please? Somehow I entirely missed the first ones. Perhaps I didn’t have the questions then that I do now.