What color is your front door?

Mine was just painted a pretty shade of dark blue, thanks to the leasemasters at Crappy Student Housing, Inc.

So what color is yours? Do you have anything decorating it? (mine has some upside-down Chinese symbols an ex-roomie put on it for Chinese New Year or something like that) Could I possibly have posted a more pointless poll? :slight_smile:

The door to my dorm room is woodgrain.

The door to my mother’s house is a beautiful shade of deep red on the outside, and off-white on the inside (she only painted half of it).

Deep brick red; the screen doors are painted the same color with screen-trim in deep forest green.

True fact: it’s a rehabbed Victorian and we found the 10’ double front doors and screen doors stashed atop attic beams. The doors weigh a damned ton and took forever to strip, woodfill, prime, paint and rehang.

But they’re a blast in an Addams family way. It’s fun to sweep them open and do the Lurch/Hitchcockian, “Good EVE-en-ing!”

Halloween is a stitch chez Veb.

Antique blue (if that’s what you could call it) on the outside and white on the inside.

I had to go check!

It’s like a pale pukey yellow-goldenrod. Probably repainted sometime in the seventies.

I live in an old apartment complex, so they choose, not me. I suck at painting anyway!

White. Plain,simple,cheap White.

Boring. Fits the house.
I like my house. Really.

Natural chestnut on the inside, white on the outside. I’m going to paint the outside deep red (if I ever get around to it). My house is pale yellow with green shutters, and so red will look nice.

Mine’s a yellow pine, shellacked, except at the bottom where the water seeps through the finish and it turned grey.

Dark Walnut w/ oval window and matching side panels.

Dark brown woodgrain. I actually had to go and check because I couldn’t remember off the top of my head.


Exciting, ain’t it?

My front door is white.

Just the typical run of the mill white front door.

Teal blue-green front door and shutters, White on the back door. Gray house, white trim on windows. Everyone was horrified when I chose that color but it really looks smashing.

I’m going to repaint it this fall if I can find the right shade. I’m thinking of a dark green-gray–sort of dark sage color.

Another white one. Matches the entire interior and exterior of my house.

The door of my room is white. The door of my on-campus apartment is white. All the doors in the complex are white, except those for entering the buildings, which are crystal(or glass, the thing is they are transparent). The place looks like a prison…all the locked doors you must
go through before entering your apartment.

The door of my home…It was light grey, if I remember correctly.

Walnut stained dark with beveled leaded glass design oval in the center.

Forest Green raised panel door with bright brass hardware. We’re going to add a brass kickpanel and door knocker - that should class it up! The front of the house is coquina with creamy off-white trim - I think the color was called xanthi by the builder.

The door of the house I live in is white and glass, but there is only a bit of white. Mostly it is transparent which is not really a colour. And the small amount of white is more like offwhite/beige on account of the white being so dirty. (it hasn’t been washed since it was put in I don’t think)and behind the door, so that the inquisitive masses do not learn the shocking truth about our exciting lives (yeah right) there is a purple curtain.

That’s my door! Feel free to be impressed :slight_smile:

White on the outside, unfinished on the inside.
I’ll get around to it, but first I’ll have to make a treaty with my dirty dishes - the remains have become sentient.
So if you see anything posted here under my name you don’t like, it was the dishes!