Plus, an acquaintance of mine constantly talks about holding “come to Jesus meetings”. He’s not a fundie; he’s apparently referring to getting a group back on track when they are not following one program or another.
I’ve bitched about “leverage” before, and I will bitch about it again. Goddamn, I hate that word. Others include, but are not limited to:
“Sexy” used to describe something that is patently un-sexy, like a brand marketing campaign or a b-to-b website.
“Going forward”
“Incentivize” (that’s not even a fucking word! It’s incent, you fucking morons!)
… and there are many more. My SO works for the same company, and it kills me when he utters these words/phrases at home. I’ve banned them from home use, but he slips them in every now and then.
Cart Retriveal Engineer (or anything else along these lines).
Seriously, I went to apply for a summer job once, and the circumlocutious descriptions had me wondering just what it was I was applying for. I was looking to be a bag boy or cart boy. Eschew obfuscation, people!
I worked at a hospital before my current job and one day, as a result of something that happened, we were changing a procedure. My boss said, “So we want to be proactive here and keep this from happening again.”
Me: “Reactive.”
Her: “What?”
Me: “Reactive. Something happened, and we’re reacting to it. We’re not being proactive. Inasmuch as proactive is a word at all, it means to do something to prevent an occurance before it happens.”
Her: “Well we’re preventing it from happening again.”
Me: “I have to go pretend to care about something else now.”