What creative types would you like to see team up on a project?

I recently told someone that I would love to see Stephen Spielberg direct a musical movie based on a Stephen King work, with the songs written by Stephen Spielberg. Misery, starring Steven Segal.

And Big Bang has to get Estelle Parsons to do a guest shot as Sheldon Cooper’s other grandmother.

What’s yours?

I would like to see Jonathan Frakes direct the next Star Trek movie. He did such a great job directing the TNG film “First Contact” and he seems to really understand that world.

Based on their work in various sketches and shows, I think Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake would make good leads in a comedy written by Tina Fey.

For some reason I can’t quite explain, the thought of **Johnny Depp ** starring in the same movie as Robert Downey Jr., George Clooney or Brad Pitt intrigues me (I don’t think he’s ever worked with any of these three).

Was that supposed to be “songs written by Stephen Sondheim”?

Lady Gaga ( real name Stephanie??) Could play the lead.

Definitely. I mixed up my Stephens.

I’d love to see Dylan put lyrics to an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. Ain’t gonna happen.

Songwriting by Jeff Tweedy and Ryan Adams.

Jeff Beck playing with Jeff Berlin. (maybe they have? I dunno.)

Jeff Beck and Aretha Franklin.

I’d like to see an album of Tom Waits singing John Prine songs and an album of Prine singing Waits. Each album would include a rendition of Amazing Grace.

The dude who made “the Middleman” Javier Grillo-Marxuach and J.J.Abrams. And toss in Sam Rockwell for good measure.

I want a comedy/action movie with both Jackie Chan and Shahrukh Khan.

Depp did once work with Pitt. But not in a movie. Pitt once guest starred on an episode of 21 Jump Street. It was Pitt’s second credited role.

Wow. That is a great combo. Well done.

I think Robert Picardo, Jon Cryer, and Frank Whaley should play brothers in something. Maybe a spiritual remake of Coupe De Ville.

Joss Whedon & J. Michael Straczynski - something speculative fiction-like.

Warren Beatty, Jimmy Buffett, and Warren Buffett need to do something together.

Brandi Carlile and Adele

I’d like to see a movie where Matt Damon and Jesse Plemons play siblings (not counting all the pretty horses where he was a flashback scene).

Also someone mentioned remaking the movie ‘Twins’ with Shaq and Kevin Hart. That wouldn’t be bad either.

I’ll go with Guillermo Del Toro & Neil Gaiman. I don’t even care who does what. Free range collabo.