I got distracted during the last act. Here’s what I know, spoilered to keep from messing things up for anyone else:
I know that the shaved-head rape victim refused to get the rape kit and to cooperate in the investigation because she wanted to kill her rapist, the former drug dealer; I saw Olivia and the FBI agent/jinx meet her at the coffeehouse. But that’s when I had to leave; I don’t know why Cragen told Eliot he was getting a new partner who might or might not be temporary, nor do I know why Liv’s phone was disconnected.
Ack! I forgot that spoilers are visible on rollover. Can somebody report this post to a mod so the thread title can be changed, or extra lines added to the OP, both?
[spoiler]They (the FBI agent & Olivia) threaten Sinead re the murder, and decide to let her redeem herself to some degree by using her as cover to attend the eco-terrorist meeting to bust the gang and foil their plot. They meet with the gang & go into the corp office building to blow it up. Sinead conks Olivia on the head, and proceeds to try and set the bomb off. Olivia quickly recovers & confronts Sinead as FBI agent also walks in while Sinead is arming the bomb. Turns into an estrogen suffused standoff as Sinead assembles the bomb while holding a gun on Olivia, and FBI agent is holding a gun on Sinead. Olivia keeps begging and pleading for her not to do as she continues to assemble the bomb. Finally (it takes a while) she’s about 1 second from arming the bomb & FBI grows a pair agent pops her in the chest. She’s dead. Olivia keeps moaning she could have convinced her not to do it, and FBI agent mutters something about always shooting to kill when dealing with terrorists.
Eco-terrorists downstairs are rounded up, but head guy escapes. They decide to use Olivia undercover to capture Mr. Eco Terror Head guy (now apparently moved to Oregon). When Elliot gets back Olivia has gone undercover, and he’s getting a new partner. One of the stupidest shows in this series… ever.[/spoiler]
Another thing is that the Olivia character is pancaked with makeup, and regularly wears very expensive designer type outfits to go with her $ 300 haricut. That a gang of scruffy Eco-terrorists would accept her as fellow traveler without question is utterly asinine.