What do I want to be?

I want y’all to help me pick a new career. Here’s my situation: I graduated from college in 2000 with a Computer Sci degree (long on theory, very short on practical skills). I’ve spent most of the last 3 years searching for an entry-level job in the computer field. They don’t exist, at least not any that I’m qualified for, and in my general geographic area (North Carolina, more or less). And besides the difficulties of the job hunt, I think I’m starting to really hate computers. I want to find something different. But I have no idea what.

Here’s what you have to work with: I am, IMHO, very intelligent and a fast learner. I’m good with math and computers, and I have a bit of artistic talent. I’m not anti-social or unfriendly (in fact I enjoy helping people), but I’m very shy and kind of weak on “people skills”. I am sort of superficially interested in almost everything under the sun (that’s why I love the Straight Dope :slight_smile: ), but I haven’t yet found one particular subject that I’m passionate about.

I have a long list of job types that I’m pretty sure I’m not interested in. What I’ve seen of management looks extremely unappealing. I have exactly the wrong personality to be in sales. I find money to be very boring; I mean, I like money (I’d like to have some), but I can’t imagine doing something like accounting, I think I’d go crazy. I’ve thought about teaching math or something, but the two problems with that are that I’m not real comfortable with teenagers and I have a huge public-speaking phobia. Most medical jobs are out because they involve Touching Strangers and/or handling Icky Things.

You see how this is going? I am terribly afraid that my “No” list will end up including every job in the world, and then what am I going to be when I grow up? Somebody help me!

Is it crucial that you be self-supporting inside some specific time frame? If you’re living at home, or working a part-time job now, you have the advantage of being able to try out some new things for size.

For example, this isn’t a career, but it may be a nice “getting your feet wet” kind of experiment: if you’re not too good with kids, how about signing up with your local park district to teach computer skills to senior citizens? You’d probably have small classes that would let you work more one-on-one with people instead of having to any major public speaking.

Or, you might look into library science (something I myself have thought a lot about.) As either a public librarian or a school librarian, you’d have loads of access to interesting information, be able to use your computer skills, and not have to have constant interaction with people in groups.

That’s two off the top of my head - not sure if they’ll help, but good luck. And don’t despair… I’m still not entirely certain what I want to be when I grow up and I’m almost 40. The plus side is, I’ve tried lots of interesting things, and it’s been a lot of fun anyway.

LoW, thanks, that’s just the kind of suggestions I’m looking for.

Right now I’m working a temp customer service job. It pays me enough to live on as long as I rent a room from my grandmother (as I do now) or my folks, but not enough for real independence. No deadline as to when I have to be self-supporting, but I am very much looking forward to getting there.

I think I’m in the same kind of situation…recently graduated college and now I have no idea! I’m interested in lots of things, but I can’t seem to make up my mind. I work in a library and I hate the bordom (the bordom sends me here for salvation!). I’m very artistic, but you can’t seem to make a living being artistic! I figure, I’ll bounce around, taking whatver jobs can support me and save money for lots of travel and fun. Everyone tells me I’ll find my way through it all and that everything will work out…who knows though…