What do you call the candy bits that go on ice cream?

Sprinkles is the only term I have heard (‘rainbow’ or ‘multi colored’, and ‘chocolate’, sometimes some monocolor, or holiday color pairing), but have seen nonpareils used. That’s it.

Jimmies, sprinkles, dip cone. The one thing they all have in common is I’d never order them. Just plain soft-serve is fine with me.

I grew up in California, but my mom was raised in Pennsylvania. I’ve always called them jimmies.

Never heard of hundreds and thousands. That’s a totally new term to me.

I grew up hearing jimmies but have acclimated to the more common (at least where I live) “sprinkles”.

I’ve always called them sprinkles. I grew up in the St. Louis area. My wife, who grew up near Milwaukee, calls them jimmies.

I don’t recall having heard “hundreds and thousands”.

Grew up in California but lived in Massachusetts for 9 years total.

Toppings. All the specific things mentioned, to me, are different things.

We have a family name for them. Kids were small and I took them to a craft festival . There was an ice cream place. We got cones and my middle daughter wasn’t happy. I ask her what was wrong? She said “I forgot, I wanted those dots on my icecream”. So we call them ‘dots’, sorry we are weird. I grew up with sprinkles, though.
ETA I should sue ‘dippin’ dots’, they robbed me.

Jimmies – regardless of the color. (Pittsburgh born and bred)

Hundreds and Thousands is what they were called in the UK when I was a kid but I wouldn’t be surprised if Sprinkles has taken over now.

This. I was born in Pitt and lived there until 4th grade. Jimmies.

When I moved to Cleveland, then I heard mostly sprinkles, with some jimminess.

So, can anyone enlighten us as to the derivation of “jimmies”? The other terms make sense on their own, where does “jimmy” come from? Was there a local bloke who made them?

I didn’t vote in the poll because this is my answer too, and the poll only allows one choice. I also would never put either on my ice cream, because they are both gross.

I’ve never met a person who uses the term hundreds and thousands, but I know from reading articles about people having regional terms that they’re the same thing as sprinkles (I didn’t get the impression that can be chocolate.)

I always called the chocolate ones “ants."

We used to call them ‘mouse poo’ :smiley:

Use “sprinkles,” have heard of “jimmies,” but not the rest. I would prefer there be a different name for the long ones and the ones that are more like tiny balls. I used to think the former were officially called jimmies, but only because the small ball ones fit the idea of sprinkling something better in my mind.

I can’t remember ever hearing of a chocolate variety, though I am not surprised they exist.

There is. Just become an honorary Australian. Welcome. :smiley:

“Sprinkles” is a general word for these items. “Nonpareils” is a specific word for one particular type of them, isn’t it? (i.e.: Is it true that all nonpareils can be sprinkles, but that not all sprinkles are nonpareils?)

Generically speaking, sprinkles covers all types. I’ve used that word since I was around 20. Before that there were chocolate chips, chocolate hail, hundreds-and-thousands, and fruit shower, all specific. Getting out and about in the wide world of sugary ice cream options brought more general terminology into my vocabulary.

This is the correct answer.