What do you do that is really odd?

When I’m in a akward situation, or in a situation that can become akward, I often yell what’s going on before anybody else even knows anything is going to happen.

And I’ve been known to hum in my sleep.

Hey, if we’re going to start talking about things we do while we’re asleep…Well, never mind. Some of mine might be just a bit too odd. :rolleyes:

I am sometimes walking down a street, and I start talking to myself, and waving my hands about as if I am giving a lecture. Then someone might say “You were talking to yourself”,and I would say “Was I”?

Some of my friends really get unnerved by this - I crack my jaw. Just like the knuckles, but it’s my jaw.

And I hang out with YEP.

All the sandal talk reminded me: if I’m around grass, I am compelled to take off my shoes and walk in it barefoot. Not so odd. Same for the first snow of the year. A little odd.

I talk to myself often, which probably isn’t so odd. What is odd is when I say, “Do you know what I mean?” and then reply, “Well of course I know what you mean, since I’m you.”


I also can’t stand to have a blanket or sheet or anything over my feet. So even in the dead of winter when it’s frigidly cold in my bedroom and I’m all bundled up, you’ll see my little white feet sticking out from under the covers.

And I like to fart. :smiley:

Sample license plate
863 LME

You might see it as it is.
I take the letters and make words, but the letters have to stay in the same order. I also do math with the numbers.

I would see things like

I do the same thing. I have a difficult wearing shoes when the ground is warm. OK, actually I despise wearing shoes at all.

I’m the opposite – my feet must be covered by sheets or blankets at all times, even in the middle of the summer in a room with no air conditioning, even if the rest of me is exposed. And sleeping with your feet dangling over the side of the bed? :SHUDDER:

I also talk to myself. I make up conversatons with real and unreal people. And if I don’t get the inflection of a phrase right the first time in these imaginary conversations, I will repeat the phrase until I’m satisfied with my delivery. Ha! Beat that for odd!

ObAOL “me too.” I’m thoroughly convinced that the people who DON’T talk to themselves are the odd ones.

I have an overactive imagination, and my friends generally aren’t receptive to hearing all my wacky thoughts and ideas for hours on end. Imagining a conversation between myself and these people, in which an intelligent and free exchange of ideas occurs, is much more rewarding than being met with icy stares or pleas to change the goddamn subject already.

I LOVE to stomp on dry leaves on the sidewalk just to get that crunching sound. My fiancee and I were walking from the Metro the other day, and I had on my blue/neon green hat, overalls, a coat, gloves that didn’t match anything, and I was holding his hand. Even with all this obvious stupidity, I still was jumping around trying to get all the dry leaves.

I look sometimes like a retarded child that he’s entertaining for the day as a charity. But he doesn’t seem to mind. :slight_smile:

-I recite poetry in the car to myself on long car drives. Often stuff by e.e. cummings, but sometimes stuff I write on the fly. An example:

Cheese! Cheese! Cheese on an apple!
Cheese! Cheese! Cheese on an apple!
Spread it with some honey
(make sure it’s good and runny)
A slice of baloney,
And that’s a stinky pony!

-Then there’s the “Pile of shit” song I wrote once while driving.

-You know how stoplights work? That they’re actually intelligent beings, I mean, and they know how when a car is waiting at an intersection because their toes are buried beneath the road? And how they like to let cars through, but sometimes their toes just start to hurt too much, and that’s why they turn yellow and then red, so that their toes have a chance to rest?

Anyway, that’s why I always make sure to thank a stoplight if I drive through it when the light is yellow.


I like to take my morning break at 9:00 AM sharp, and I do mean sharp. The moment my watch beeps I get up and go to the vending machines for my morning Coke and bag of pretzels. At lunch I leave my chair promptly at 11:30 AM and my afternoon break comes precisely at 2:00:00.000 P.M. Most of the time I am not so busy with something or talking to someone that doing so will throw me off of my schedule by a few milliseconds.

I have to have blankets or some sort of weight on my feet to sleep at night (my cats like to sleep on the blankets, too)

Having perfect pitch, whenever I am listening to music sometimes I will identify its key (e.g. C#) and mentally map out the sequence of the notes in my head as the song plays.

I eat yellow snow (only after I pour lemonade on top of white snow :smiley: )

I’ll second the people who have said they like to:

Make spoonerisms out of words and phrases (Second Guest)
Reading things backwards (Gorgon Heap)
Doing math and word exercises when I see numbers and letter combinations (Mullinator)
While I don’t always meow back at cats, I always have to look at them and admire them whenever I see them (ghandi5569)

DanielWithrow I’d love to see your “Pile of Shit” song, that is, unless posting it would violate the Cafe Society policy on posting complete song lyrics. :smiley:

That foot-rubbing thing, so I’ve heard (and I have zero confirmation for this) is very common and actually starts in the womb. My husband and I both do it.

I have a hideous habit of picking at my fingernails, getting the layers apart. Bizarrely, it appears to be almost genetic among females in my family. My mom did it as a kid and does it now, though she managed to stop for a long time and I never knew she about it until she told me a couple of years ago. My sister does it, and now my daughter (age 2) does, though I make a big effort not to do it in front of her.

Aw, shucks – no one’s copyrighted the song, so no violation will occur. I’ll state ahead of time:

  1. I’m aware that the song is profoundly stupid; and
  2. I have the utmost respect for India and its Hindu citizens. It’s not my fault that India rhymes with other words.
  3. I’m not usually so potty-brained. But long car drives can get really boring.
    *Pile of shit,
    i got a pile of shit,
    And I got no idea
    what to do with it.

Someone said I should try
to make a big feces pie
so I knocked his teeth in
I knocked that shit-eating grin
off his shit-eating face,
I put him back in his place.
Now my hands are bloodstained,
but the sad fact remains,

I got a pile of shit,
got a pile of shit,
and I got no idea
what to do with it.

Someone said I should send a
bunch of it off to India
but those Hindus are wise,
and they got Post Office ties.
It came back postage due,
plus some Indian poo.
Now it really is stinking
what the hell was I thinking?

Got a pile of shit,
got a pile of shit,
and I got no idea
what to do with it.

Someone said I should burn
it, catch the heat, and I’d earn
cash from the resulting power
I asked that dumb fucker, how’re
you gonna burn all those turds?
I’m too angry for words:
You can’t burn something wet!
Doesn’t anyone get it?

Got a pile of shit,
got a pile of shit,
and I got no idea
what to do with it.

Someone said use a compost
toilet; manure is in most
soil; it won’t stink or smell.
I tried it out, it worked well…

Pile of dirt,
I got a pile of dirt
I’m gonna grow me a beard
I’m gonna live in a yurt
With my new hippie friends,
and we’ll be shitting so hard
It all comes out our back ends,
ends up back out in our garden

Oh yeah!*

I’ve played goalkeeper for numerous soccer teams. A lot of times there’s not a lot of action, so I’d do number games with the jersey numbers. I’d especially try to do Pythagorean triples.

I count words. And letters.

A through V are all monosyllabic, so they represent “one.” W has three syllables, so it’s the only letter counted as more than one. X, Y, and Z go back to being one.

And I count in threes, fours, fives, sevens, and elevens.

Foe example:

“I count words. And letters.”


10+13=23. “I count words. And letters.” = 23.

There’s more, but I’m afraid of padded walls and straight-jackets, so I will keep those to myself.


Ditto. 94’ Dodge Intrepid. Ditches are fun to drive through, too!

I can’t have blankets on my feet either because my feet get hot really easily. So I dangle them over the side of the chair/bed/couch almost always. My hands are the same way so they dangle over the edge too. I often sleep in a sort of a U-shape with my back bent towards the wall and my feet and arms hanging off of one side.

I pretend that I am people that do not exist. (And I’m good at it)

I can go almost 8 minutes without blinking.

I’ve tried for hours at a time to lick my elbow, but never have actually done it.

Listen to the same song for three and a half hours.(Monkberry Moon Delight by Paul McCartney)

When I’m bored, I’ll write the same word over and over.

I pretend that I am people that do not exist. (And I’m good at it)

I can go almost 8 minutes without blinking.

I’ve tried for hours at a time to lick my elbow, but never have actually done it.

Listen to the same song for three and a half hours.(Monkberry Moon Delight by Paul McCartney)

When I’m bored, I’ll write the same word over and over.