What do you have on top of your Christmas tree?

We’ve just put our tree up–it’s sparkly, all shimmery and silver–and at the top, like every year, we’ve balanced our angel.

She’s a petite brunette with heavy-lidded eyes, smooth full lips, and her hands clasped in prayer; ivory china–very fragile and delicate–with gold-bronze work and a halo of (fake) rubies inlaid around her head. We’ve had her for as long as I can remember.

What about you guys?

Little Santa hat. Last year it was a Marvin the Martian hand puppet.

I can’t answer that until I get home this coming Friday night. Don’t know what wifey has put on top of the tree.

Week before last, I got the tree out of the box and assembled it. Hung the lights outside the house. That was all I had time for. She put the decorations on the tree afterward.

Very much looking forward to having that whole week off at home!

St. Nicholas (Looks more like Gandalf the White to me, frankly) has been hotglued to the top. No more leaning over our balcony rail using extend-a-poles, levers, or the robot arm affectionately known as “Mr. Craw” to try to manipulate him to the top the the tree.

I’ve got a big red long-tailed bird with a white poinsettia sitting on the top. Until last year, I had a 50+ year-old angel, sitting in a fiberglass cloud as the tree-topper. Unfortunately, her cloud broke apart and she fell off her perch.

A lit, 5-pointed star.

I grew up having an angel on the top of the tree every year (nearly all my life: I was born in '71 and my parents got her in '72-'73), but when it came time to buy my own tree-topper I didn’t want anything religious. I think I used a Santa hat one year, but I wasn’t crazy about it. Then several years ago I found my star, and have loved it ever since – even though it’s kind of heavy and can be difficult to balance on my artificial tree. :slight_smile:

Probably 8 years ago, I made a little angel from a Nativity set pattern. It’s not very big, but I like it. It has white feathers for wings, so I have to wrap it very carefully.

I have a huge, sheer, sparkly gold ribbon bow on top of my tree. The tree is about eight feet tall, so I liked that I was able to just make a little lasso out of the ties on the back, more or less fling it up there, and let it catch. No risking my life standing on the “Don’t Stand On This Step!!!” section of my too-short ladder this year!

I have a beautiful Lenox china and velvet Santa - sitting on a shelf because when my kids were two and three they informed me that you need a star on top of the tree - Santa on top pretty much meant it wasn’t a Christmas tree. So we drove out to Target and bought a $7 star and my Santa goes on a shelf.

Nothing. We have a traditional (for our family-- long story) ceramic rooster that we usually use but this year we’ve got a theme tree-,red and gold, and the ceramic rooster is neither.

I won’t let angels anywhere near my tree - as a matterof fact, the only angel I’v ever had in my house was a candle which I gleefully burned down because I’m a heathen. :slight_smile: So the top of my tree has a large bow and a large, fat penguin dressed in Christmas colors.

An angel with a faux leopard trimmed cloak.

It goes with my white tree & purple ornaments. :wink:

I should probably tell about my friends, who (while just as religious as I am) had a Frankenstein head on the top of their tree. The great part was that the last time I saw them, they were keeping a 6-foot iguana for a friend, and the iguana liked to climb the tree and hang out in the branches. The sight of this giant iguana peeking out from the by-now rather beat-up tree with Frankenstein on top was one to treasure for a long time. :smiley:

The still-beating heart of my worst enemy.

An old bedsheet. We didn’t put our tree up, so the top and the rest of it are wrapped in old sheets, then bagged in plastic.

Since we’re spending Christmas in FL with the inlaws, it didn’t make a lot of sense to set the tree up here.

I put a small crocheted white yarn star edged in gold thread on top of the tree this year. My granny made the star a long time ago. It was meant to be used as a tree ornament and not a topper, but my tree is a really small table-top fako one from Target, so it’s in proportion.

No big fabulous tacky tinsel tree this year because of the new kitty, Miss Fritters. (I didn’t want her eating any of the aluminum shards that always fall off of the tinsel tree whenever it’s jostled.) As far as the cat knocking the tree over, she knocked the current tree over just once, right after we put it up, and has since left it alone. Knocking over tree, I can handle, but I don’t want the cat eating things that will hurt her.

We got married on December 30th, and because it was the week between Christmas and New Year, there were no flower markets open in England. So we had silk flowers, in a dark red and cream theme, most of which I still have, and still use for Christmas decorations.

Our tree topper is a little handmade mouse bride and groom pair which we recieved as a present that day all those years ago… (11!)

Ours is some kind of… do-hickey. It’s just one of those strange shaped tree-toppers… the bottom is a large round bubble, then on top of that is a smaller bubble that tapers to a rounded tip. It’s a creamy opaque colour, with little gold designs on it.

Last year, we put a Jack In The Box Christmas antennae ball on top of it. (the reindeer one, this year, I want the snowman one! “My nose is a carrot…hic”)


Wow … that’s a “Sex & The City” angel! :slight_smile: