What do you name in the MMP?

Howdy from irk. I slept really good last night so not dragging like yesterday.

Ready to go home though. Come on 1700.

The cats will take them to a pawn shop? :dubious:

The cat might knock it to the floor, bat it around, and who knows where it could end up…

My pile o’ work is shrinking again. I may be forced to send out another email. Depends on how complex Brent’s weldment drawing is. I hate doing weldment drawings - they get way too busy!

But lunch was good, so there’s that.

It does not feel like August outside.

It’s cool, wet, and breezy.

Red I got the “Vache” joke. :smiley:

Today is smoky for the second day. Yesterday was supposed to get up to around 100, but it only made it to about 80, since the smoke never cleared out. We’ll see about today.

I was going to say that I don’t name anything that isn’t alive, but I suspect that we’re more like Ruble and we name everything, just because we think it’s funny or one of the kids does.

Happy Toesday all.

I would have gone with “Flush” but maybe that’s just me. :wink:
Doubled yesterday and doing so again tomorrow.

I’m just always glad when someone gets it. Its like the little symbols on Bessie’s saddle bags
I consider it a sort of intelligence and humor test combined.

cow pi

Well back-alley catnip can get pricey.

What month was straddled by the 40 days in the Bible? It feels like that one.

Well, I spoke too soon, the tilers are in the house, doing the kitchen floor today and tomorrow and working the bathroom the balance of the week. Add to that the neighbor across the street is having a BIG (we’re talking 30-40’) tree cut down, and it’s about as much excitement as this old cul-de-sac has seen in a while. They’ve got the branches preety much off and will be starting on the trunk pretty soon. Tilers have begun laying tile and are now having lunch somewhere. I ate a big break fast so now I’m munching on celery.

Nut, enjoy your time with the bees.

Last night was not a good one. Gibbs had something going on where he was asking to be taken outside every hour. He probably ate something he shouldn’t have.
Anyway, since I’m the puppy wrangler in this house, I got to go out with him. yawn

I like your bike Ruble, but my old eyes can’t even decipher what that is on your saddlebag so I guess I fail. :frowning: I guess I could go upstairs and look at it on the big(ger) monitor, but that would involve going upstairs.)

I got an ad in my feed a few days ago about silicon wedding rings. The idea being that for people who work around machinery where their rings could get caught and tear their fingers off, these rings would break before major damage was done. Having had my wedding ring get caught a couple of times while woodworking, I think it’s a good idea for someone who doesn’t like to simply go ringless for a time. I may buy one or two just for because.

Slow day.

Well, part of my kitchen is tiled and the neighbor now has a big stump in his yard instead of a tree, so the working class was active (and presumably well-paid) today.

Need to get properly appointed now to got out and coach 12U girls soccer. Solved several problems already (go me!) but expecting by the time I get back tonight there will be several more conundrums waiting. Life is interesting this time of year.

Bumba, not a bad idea on the rings (I solve it by not having any), and hope Gibbs is feeling better (or is a trip to the puppy doctor planned?)

I don’t know Ruble, but August should be hot and humid, not cool, wet, and breezy.

I just got a call from medicare wanting to update my information. Whoever it was had my name, address, and previous address.
I hung up on him and called medicare, it was a scammer.
I hate those assholes, too bad there isn’t a way to nuke them from orbit.
Imagine rows and rows of desks in office buildings, and each of the chairs have a small mushroom cloud above them.
I suppose it is wrong to think that is a delightful image.

There was a LOT of lightning as I drove home, then the skies opened, and it’s been raining for more than an hour. Apparently we were also under a tornado watch, but that has passed. But we had some serious rain, and it’s still coming down.

I stopped at an Amish stand and got corn and a watermelon. Supper will be grab whatever. And the day winds down…

It’s cool and wet here, too. Well, the wet went through last night/early this morning, but it’s still cool and cloudy here. Kind of depressing. And realizing that my summer is all but done is bumming me out, too. Romeo Jr. goes back to day care for the fall tomorrow, and it’s our nanny’s last day for the summer. Juliet Jr. starts school next week and will be hanging out with my parents in Illinois over the weekend and into next week.

Juliet Jr. goes to a private school, so they have a uniform. Each year, for a week or so before school starts, parents can donate the school uniforms that their kids outgrew the previous year. Then, as a fundraiser, parents can fill a grocery bag with uniforms parts they need for $5. Juliet Jr. still has some that fit from last year, and my in-laws bought her a few new things, so I didn’t need much for her. I went anyway and picked up some stuff for her in the next size up… and stuff for Romeo Jr. for next year. Yes, my little dude who is just becoming conversant will be in the 3-year-old Early Childhood program next year. My babies are growing up too fast! :frowning:


(I got the dolly/Dali one too, but sometimes it’s best not to encourage folks. ;))

Howdy Y’all! I laundered, ahrned, and made sup. Thus, I adulted. We supped on beastloaf, steamed cabbage, and field peas with snaps. 'Twas good. Only one rain today, so far. Does look like some could be on the way. Thus has been my day.

ruble, I like the name of your hand truck. :smiley:

bumba, I hope Gibbs feels better soon.

Day 2 of back to irk. I didn’t begin to run our of steam until after two today. Go me! Once home, I swept the linoleum floors. They really need to be mopped, but I’m not feeling that good yet. I have to wonder when I’ll be up to stripping the bed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Big thunderboomers here.

Goofy assed dog wants to go out in the rain and dig holes. Shar Pei are supposed to hate rain, and hate getting wet, and hate getting dirty. He comes in with mud all over his nose.

Red I was once a passenger in a car that was in a pretty hard accident. I had seatbelt and airbag injuries. Is this what you have? I know my entire chest was one giant bruise.

Yes. Bruised up ribs and shoulder and a bump on the head. I’m able to get in and out of the bed carefully now without serious pain and moving around is getting easier every day. I still can’t pick Nelson up from the floor to harness and leash him, so we’ve made a game of him jumping up on the bed for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

But be sure to try the veal. :smiley:
Right now Salvador is holding Doc the Cannon. They were both big shots in my opinion.
And be sure to tip your waitress.