What do you name in the MMP?

I am doing clerk duties since my best lady is out today. I am still dead on my feet. I just cannot stay awake. There is less than an hour to go though and then the 45-60 minute drive home. That drive will be a challenge to stay awake.

I love being able to check on my pets through an app and my new cameras. I have been able to see the cat all day and Louie part of the day. He is curled up on the master bed right now. The slacker.

Swampy About this Men’s night over to the church house. I get that you bring your own steaks and grill them? What about side dishes?

Back from chores. Bought new carpet for the Master bedroom (won’t get installed until the kitchen/bathroom are done) and did 4 loads of laundry at the local laundromat (haven’t been there in 6-7 years, but same spot (looks like same machines). Hopefully I cna do the next laundry at home.

It’s thundering outside as a smallish front goes through, hopefully not much in the way of rain and it should be over in a short time. My kind of storm.

Soccer Commissioner just made my life harder, they made the rules to make up teams of 5-6 players and play 4 v 4, so the kids will play a lot, but my coaches aren’t happy since it means if there is even one kid missing they have no subsitutes and it’s still pretty hot for 6 year olds. It also meant I have to coach a 7U team and while I love working with the kids, that gives me three teams to coach. Now I find that some other divisions are going to 5 v 5 and making up teams of 7 or 8 kids…heck, if I could have done that, this job would have been easy and I wouldn’t have had to coach…but I was the good soldier and did what I was told to do–so yeah, I have a grump.

Juliet, glad the dentist thing worked out as well as it did.

Butters, try to stay vertical; once you lay down you’re done for…you too, FCM

[QUOTE=Buttercup Smith;21158025Swampy About this Men’s night over to the church house. I get that you bring your own steaks and grill them? What about side dishes?[/QUOTE]

I believe the Bear only has OYKW. :stuck_out_tongue:

Worked, came home, napped. Teriyaki chicken is marinating

I name my computers some version of “HAL”.
Previous cat names : Thrakazog, Lucrezia D. Hellcatt
Previous cars: Eowyn, Rory, Deathmobile I and II
Names Gordie gives to things: Footstool Empire(ottoman), humming food obelisk(fridge). sharp angry puppy(Alex Catt)

Still cogitating on the car name, but I’ve only had it 24 hours.:slight_smile: And it’s a black Rio, Juliet.

Many years ago I had a truck named Tommy.

I can’t even remember which one anymore. I have had so many trucks.

doggioooo I thought the humming food obelisk was you. Learn something new every day. Congrats on new car.

I made it home and have managed to stay awake thus far but I have just took my night pills and am soon to be looking at the backs of my eyelids I hope. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and slept good but for some reason was a zombie today. Glad it’s almost over.

Juliet, maybe some metal at the dentist? :smiley:

As for naming things, I tend to name cars, bikes and some musical instruments.

My recently deceased Yaris was the Green Bean (this one came prenamed). I’ve owned the PSB, Teddy Roosevelt (it was a rough rider), Ralph, Matilda, Maude, Betty Jean and Pinky among cars and trucks, Piglet for my first bike (it was the smallest Harley ever made), Vache for my current bike (it’s a Kawasaki, emily may get the joke) and my favorite keyboard is Bike (it’s a Yahama, I didn’t know whether to play it or ride it when I got it). My new car will likely take a while to be named, but if it’s a Kona, it will likely be Joe. :smiley:

I went back to irk today and realize just how sore I still am. Fortunately, they weren’t too hard on me today.

Greetings from Win 10. It’s a pain in the patoot getting it set up, but I’m getting there. I have 2 screens, so that’s kinda cool.

Howdy Y’all! Home from men’s night over to the church house. 'Twas a good time and we had a good group tonight. As usual, we solved all the problems of the world or would have them solved if we could get anybody to listen to us. :smiley:

Butters everyone brings his own steak or whatever to throw on the grill as well as adult beverage as desired. Non-adult beverages, tea, coffee, and lemonade are on hand. One person buys the side matter (N.O.T., sallit, etc) and every one chips in two to three bucks to cover that. Any excess goes into what we call the men’s steak night fund, which is a fund to help with whatever needs to be done to maintain the grounds. Might not be the loftiest of causes, but with ten acres to maintain there’s always stuff that needs doin’. Oh, and one of the etc. we always have is snausages and mustard as an appetizer. Sometimes people bring in other stuff like desserts.

I shall soon retire to the boudoir cause I’s tahred!

Nitey Nite Y’all!

You have a guitar! You amaze me, Madame!

We sometimes name aquarium fish.

Helpful hints from Heloise: place a strainer on the bathtub drain. It will prevent hair and soap debris from stopping up the drain.
I placed one on the sink drain in the fish room, to stop brine shrimp egg shells, fish poop, plant debris, sand and gravel from stopping up the drain. Mrs. Plant (v.3.0) put one on the bathtub drain so she could shower. Women have strange values.

Way too many things both on purpose and by accident. Since the OW and I basically wear the same size and trade some top clothes all of our coats are named basically for the place/amusement park/ride they came from
“Hand me St Olaf”
“Don’t take Pittsburgh Cigars – I want to wear it to work”
“Did you leave Twister in the car?”
Cars and bikes are all named, some furniture, one or two tool boxes and a couple guns. What frightens me is that we always know what the other means or is talking about.
My favorite is the hand-truck/dolly we use for moving large objects; it is named Salvador.

Think about it.

Naming things?

My old co-worker, Joe, had a couple of felines. Joe also had a pretty good facial hair growth going on. One of the felines used to sit on the toilet seat and watch Joe shave. The feline was apparently mesmerized by the methodical manner in which the operation occurred.

One day the feline simply dropped off the toilet seat and into the bowl.

New name? “Je’Cat Cousteau”.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 73 Amurrkin out and dark with a predicted high of 89 and who knows what for the day. Could be partly cloudy, could be mostly cloudy, could be the start of the apocalypse. TWPTB are all willy-nilly re the local forecast. Not that it matters cause I do not plan to leave da cave at all today. Laundry shall be accomplished to include ahrnin’ shirts I have ignored for a couple of weeks. I took a beastloaf outta da freezer last night and put it in da fridge. It’s now settin’ out to finish thawin’ and get baked up for tonight’s sup. Side matter TBD.

George HEE! Funny story.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

I had a pretty good sleep last night - YAY! But I look like I’m on the prowl this morning. I decided to make salisbury steak for supper last night, so I took off my watch and wedding ring. I hate trying to wash my hands with goop on and around my ring. Needless to say, I forgot to put them back on, and I didn’t realize till I was driving in that my left ring finger is nekkid!! :eek:

OK, there’s a permanent dent from the ring, but still, a casual observer may try to hit on me! The very idea!!!


I did slide the ring on to my watchband and fasten it, so I don’t have to worry about the cat batting it away. Still, I hate not having it. Dammit.

Thus begins my day. Happy Tuesday!!

Happy Toosday!

Still dark outside, the days are already getting noticably shorter. It’s supposed to be cloudy and rainy all day with a high of 77.
I woke up at 5 today, without the alarm.
Weird dream about looking at an very old house that had seven bedrooms but only one bathroom, and a kitchen that was totally cut off from the rest of the house.

I have my first load of clothes in the washer, just finished, so can go into the dryer and the next load can start washing.

Since today is Toosday, it is nail triming and ear cleaning day for the dog. I forgot to give him his heart worm and flea pills yesterday so he will get them today.
The cat is already in, stuffed his face into his food bowl, and now is napping.

Shrimp with pepper and onions for dinner tonight.

Ruble, I love your hand cart’s name. Awesome.

There’s a trade show at work tomorrow, so people are running around, setting things up, cleaning the shop, etc. And I’m just sitting here, writing my instructions, stuck in the crossroads of the main aisle of the building and the aisle that leads to the cafeteria and the shop… so all kinds of people and things keep going past me.

FCM, more importantly, what’s FCD going to think when he finds your wedding ring lying about the house!?!?!

Juliet, so you are not far from the madding crowd… Hey, you faced the dentist this week, madhouse working conditions should be a breeze.

George, great story; should have named the other cat Calypso…

Quiet day today I hope. Some more soccer stuff going on and I still have a couple bags of equipment to distribute, but nothing much.

Also no remodeling going on, I think they are waiting for stuff to come in, but if no one is here tomorrow I’ll (gently) poke the builder as to what the plan is.

He’ll know I’ll be hanging out at bars after work, trying to pick up sailors from the local base… :eek:

Actually, I emailed him and asked him to put the watch and ring on my dresser. We keep our bedroom closed to keep the cats out, so I’m pretty sure it’ll be safe in there.

OK, quit distracting me with your scintillating banter. You MMPers ruin my productivity. Well, you and CREO, which is a sucky program that makes me stabby. Back at it.

I named the easily identifiable ones, the rest had a group name; all the neon tetras, for example, were named ‘Bob’.

I occasionally named notable house spiders as well, but I haven’t had one for a while. I’ve had plenty of spiders, just not identifiable ones that consistently live in one spot for a long time.
Got called and asked to irk again tonight; knew that was gonna happen, saw the gap on the rota yesterday, I don’t know why they didn’t ask then… It’s the beekeeping group tonight though, the honey extraction session, which should be interesting and besides, I really dontwanna irk tonight, so turned it down.

Aside from the bee group, today’s major excitement is emptying the junk out the car and attempting to make meringues, as yesterday’s attempt was foiled. Did some bread dough for tomorrow as well.

According to the forecast, today is nice and sunny. According to the window, this is not the case.

Metal Mouse, yeah, I’m keeping my nose down and in my work, so I’m tuning a lot of it out. But sometimes I feel like this could be a sit com, showing a fast-motion segment of the character oblivious in their work while various crazy things go on around them. For all I know, the signs and things going past me could be sign saying CHUM IS FUM or a human-sized Stay-Puft Marshmallow man or a bubbling cauldron. I don’t know.