What do you say to "I love you"?

I expect that the usual responses are “I love you, too” or “Huh? You talkin’ to me?” or “Yeah, yeah, that’ll be $50” :eek: :smiley:

I’m here to confess that one time I was caught off guard by the declaration, and I responded “Thank you.” I’m just an incurable romantic, I guess.

Can you better that? Have you replied with something, um, unusual when told “I love you”??

“I know.”

I’ve never been told “I love you” without saying it myself first.

Just the other night…

ElzaHub to me: “I love you.”
Me, half-asleep. “Okay. Can you empty the bathroom trash?”


ManRabbit: “I love you.”

Rabbit: “Prove it.”

A girl’s gotta be sure, right?

“Oh, good, because I need a favor…”

Well, I don’t feel so bad now! :smiley: This cracked me up!

He knows better than to try to talk to me when I’m half-asleep! :smiley:

I think I apologized for it the next morning.


You better

I bet that’s what you say to all the boys.

The last time I heard it (this morning) I said “so that’s why you moved halfway across the country and are already seeing someone who loves you, in three months”

OK, I said it to myself but still, it’s the thought that counts, right?

Probably the worst think I said was “Ummm… ok.” I was completely caught off guard and didn’t feel the same way besides. No it wasn’t ACBG. With the two of us it was more like: “Well, there doesn’t appear to be any bodies buried in shallow graves in your back yard so, yeah, I love you.” Mutually said to each other. Was that weird? :smiley:

“I know. I love me too.” (Overheard.)

woot! :smiley:


We occassionally get into a tet-a-tet of

“I love you”
“I love you more”
“nuh uh”
“uh huh”

etc, etc

I know…we’re disgusting.

I loved you first.

Either " I don’t blame you", or “no you don’t, you just THINK you do”. Anybody have any idea why I’m home tonight?

something good on TV?

I’ve actually used that. However, I was not frozen in carbonite afterwards.