What Do You Think of My (Distance Future?) Name?

Not on this message board. I think my identity is well-established here. And not on any other message board I belong to, for the same reason.

But if I ever join another message board, say in the distant future, I have an idea for a name and signature.

Jacomus Montani.

It is the Latin equivalent of my actual name. Then my signature could be, ‘Montani Semper Liberi’. That’s Latin for ‘Mountaineers are always free’. It is the motto of West Virginia. I’ve never been there. But I still think it’s neat.

What do the rest of you think?


Your real name is Mountaineer? (or Mountaineers?)

No strong opinion. Inoffensive in a slightly poncy way. It kinds of suggests there is a story behind the name. A story from a book I wouldn’t read.

@Senegoid In German, yes. BTW I am only ⅛ German. But I am also ⅛ Austrian on my mother’s side. So does that even off to ¼? :slight_smile: