What do you use to soothe your chapped nipples?

I use chapstick. Is there something better out there that I’m missing?

Lansinoh. But I presume for different reasons.

My lips get chapped from being exposed to the cold weather.

I gotta party in Whoville some time is all I’m saying.

Why are they chapped?

If it’s from running, try putting bandaids before you go running or smearing on some Body Glide.

If it’s from something else…well, maybe some Lanolin. At least, that’s what I was told to use while nursing.

I’ve never had this problem but howza’ about some Bag Balm?

Usually Whitman, Browning or Wilde.

Bag Balm rules. Best thing for diaper rash, evar.

And yeah, Winny, why are you nipples chapped? My tiny little nipples went to France.

Mine, too.

Chapped from running, I think, plus it’s been really cold and dry here lately. I think the shirt I was wearing running yesterday was a big part of the problem. Today I wore a nylon running shirt instead of cotton college t-shirt and I was a lot more comfortable.

No, no, no. I said chapped nipples.

Cotton is great if you want to wet sand your skin. :smiley:


Yeah, I’m new to running. I need better sneakers, too. It’s not hockey, dammit, I shouldn’t need to buy a bunch of special stuff just to run. :mad:

You don’t need to buy a bunch of special stuff just to run…however, if you want to run in comfort, that’s a whole 'nother story.


Oh, and Winston, I have the exact same problem. I now wear a tight compression shirt under a regular shirt whenever I run which has solved the problem completely.

Just a note- never ever wear cotton anything for running. Go with wicking materials all the way.

19 year old Swedish twins.

You know, Back when I was in some kind of shape I used to run 3-5 miles a day in a loose cotton shirt and my titties never got sore. Erect and sexy? Sure! But they were never rubbed raw by the shirt.

Of course, I am hairy like animal…does that help with stripped nipples? Are you guys with bloody nipples bare-chested?

Nope. I’m plenty hairy.

Another potential contender for “Strangest Thread On The Dope”! Let’s see where it goes from here. :slight_smile:

Regarding the OP, I have tiny, insignificant nipples and chafing is never an issue, but I like the sound of the Swedish twins remedy.