What do your pets do when you are making whoopie?

I use to have two dogs (Black lab and White Shepard). My then husband would put them out in the hall way and shut the door. Depending on the intensity, I can be umm pretty vocal. When that happened the Shepard would start barking then make the black lab bark. The ex hubby found that distracting so he would screaming at them during this. It was annoying and killed any sex life I had… and if that didn’t kill it… once we were done he would open the bedroom and say… “Mommy’s all right… you can see her now…”

It was just weird. After a couple times of that we would put one outside and the other down stairs…

They bark, damn them to Hades!

(Well, not the cats. They just wander away.)

If you’re doing it right, they run away! :smiley:

It’s not unusual for one or both of the cats to be on the bed; it’s king-sized, so there’s room for all four of us. They pretty much ignore us,

My dog will just lay there staring at the wall with that “Christ this is awkward” look on his face. Every few minutes he’ll glance over and say “yep, they’re still doing it,” then he’ll sigh and go back to staring at the wall.

My Katya hacked up a hairball right after we…er… finished last night. Ahh, the joys of pet ownership.

For the most part, the dog either wanders off to “go be busy”, or she plays on the floor with a toy. After though she insists on hopping on the bed and getting a cuddle as if to insist that SHE is the baby, and she’d better not get a little brother or sister out of this deal.

I’ve had many pet birds over the years watch intently, usually while sitting on the headboard. Sometimes, they shriek manically and bounce up and down, like a little feathered line of cheerleaders.

The male and female lovebird, after they started humping themselves, watched us really close for awhile. They also seemed confused, as the Other Half and I would take turns on top so I think they might have been trying to figure out which of us was male and which female.

We’ve also gotten some interesting displays and posing out of bird voyeurs - I think they have some idea what’s going on, at least some of the time.