What Does Hook Up Mean (Social Interaction)?

The term is unclear to me. Could I get the straight dope? (Sometimes I get the sense people mean sexual intercourse and sometimes I get the sense people mean much less…)

It’s intentionally vague.

Can be either meaning.

Jack hooked me up with a new sofa. (got it at a good price)

Sam & Mary hooked up after the office party. (they are getting busy)

Intentionally vague. The main distinguishing characteristic is that girls want it, and it doesn’t lead to a lasting relationship. The muddled bit is what it actually is… it seems like guys think it’s no-strings-attached sex, while girls think it’s no-strings-attached making out, possibly leading to sex if the stars are aligned.

I always associated getting laid and hook up as the same thing.

It’s the entire experience. Meeting somebody, drinks, idle talk, and sex. One night stand is another similar expression.

Hooked up simply means a date. Sex or not. It does not mean it cannot lead to a relationship.

I’ve never heard it used in that way. In a social context, hooked up always seems to mean two people met and then on the same evening (usually it’s evening) they went off to be alone together. With emphasis on “alone”, so that they can get very naughty if it works out that way. A date usually involves pre-planning of some kind; hooking up is more spontaneous.

In the context of a man and a woman: It usually mean an encounter geared towards sex.
In the context of two men or two men: It’s open to interpretation

Can’t help but wonder if “hook up” relates to the physical act of coupling. Like you hook up a U-haul trailer to a car using the tongue and ball. A guy and gal hook up parts too. :smiley: <shrug> dunno but it is intriguing.

I think there is a difference in a one night stand and a hook up. One night stand implies meeting a stranger. I think of Hook Up as acquaintances getting together for a fun evening that ends up with a romp in the bedroom.

Might be over thinking this. But it’s my 2 cents worth on the topic. :wink:

“Hooking up” means anything from making out to intercourse.

It is typically used to describe two people who are intentionally not in a relationship or are just about to enter a relationship. It does not imply a date. In fact, in the most common usage it means they met up just to get it on.

I’ve never heard getting laid mean anything other than honest-to-goodness sex, while hook up can mean less.

Yep, first base to home run. Meaning can normally only be ascertained by asking or by inferring from context.

To me, it has always meant making out: tongue-kissing, heavy petting, grinding.
I would even consider oral sex to be beyond the implications of the term.

I did, however, just see a recent movie called Men, Women, and Children in which the teenage characters use the term “hooking up” to specifically mean intercourse- which had me confused at first. I don’t know if this is a reflection of the screenwriter’s use of the word or if it is what “kids these days” are saying.

“Hook up” in a romantic way always means sex, to me. No sex, no hook-up.

If I call one of my buddies and say “let’s hook up over the weekend”, that just means let’s get together for a beer or something.

Previous threads

And then have the sex after the beer?

So how vague do you want to be here?


I doubt it. To me, the metaphor suggests just getting together, connecting (which it clearly still does mean when used in a non-“romantic” context), or maybe even forming a relationship (though not necessarily a serious pair bond). For some people, in some contexts, it seems to have come to mean getting together explicitly for sexual intercourse, but, surely, that is a later, secondary development of the meaning.

I doubt it. To me, the metaphor suggests just getting together, connecting (which it clearly still does mean when used in a non-“romantic” context), or maybe even forming a relationship (though not necessarily a serious pair bond). For some people, in some contexts, it seems to have come to mean getting together explicitly for sexual intercourse, but, surely, that is a later, secondary development of the meaning.

Frankly, sexual intercourse is not really much like being hooked together. You can pull apart quite easily, and do after you have come.

Not dogs! :eek: