What does ROXXORING mean???

Saw this on this video clip.
hehe, this is so funny, I crack up everytime.

IIRC, Roxxoring means rocking, except the dude pronounced it wrong.

Obviously you are not l33t. :))

RoXored can also mean that you kicked someone’s ass… as in “I have roXored joo!” also the synonym, “I have owned joo!”

Don’t forget the inverse: suXor. “This suXors”= “this sucks.”

Its just an uber-silly way of talking. Entertaining at times.

Obviously you are not l33t, d00d. :slight_smile:

RoXored can also mean that you kicked someone’s ass… as in “I have roXored joo!” also the synonym, “I own joo!”

Don’t forget the inverse: suXor. “This suXors”= “this sucks.”

Its just an uber-silly way of talking. Entertaining at times.

<somewhat OT>I’m trying to find the site where they put these type of captions over the famous AP photos of the Elian Gonzales raid, but I just can’t. If anyone has the link I would love to have it.</OT>