What does "showing respect" to your SO mean?

You show respect for someone by accepting that their opinions are valuable, and (if reasonable) changing your behavior to match. If your boss demanded that you wear a suit and tie to work, and you thought the annoyance of wearing a suit and tie was less than the pleasure of keeping your job, you’d wear it, right? If your wife asked you to perform a neutral action (to you) that mattered a great deal (to her) you’d do it, right? This might be something easy like using the air vents in the car instead of rolling down the windows which musses her hair; or it might be something hard, like going to the opera with her.
You show respect for your spouse by listening when s/he talks to you, and paying attention to the non-verbal signals. Keep your promises. Be on time. Play nice. Don’t be a jerk. Apologize when you need to. Do your jobs with a minimum of complaining.

Superhal, how do you show respect to your coworkers? How did you show respect to your teachers at school?

I was trying to keep open the possibility. But with his latest comment about compliments (“everybody knows it’s a lie”)… if that’s not more of his humor, then yeah, I think divorce is probably the way to go here.

Okay, because I’ve been reading this thread with interest, and because you keep asking for ways to show respect that aren’t a further discussion about whether your should stop making jokes, here’s some of the advice that’s been given. I think it’s all very good. I particularly think that the quality you should be trying to show is admiration.

Other ideas that have nothing to do with your sense of humor:

  1. Do you listen when she talks, or are you just being quiet and waiting for your turn?

  2. In conversation on any given topic, do you elicit her thoughts and feelings, or do you jump in with your own? A habit worth developing is to ask yourself, before you open your mouth, “Is this something she needs to hear, or is it something I want to say?” A lot of times, the two are different. Think how much faster meetings at work would go if everyone adhered to that rule.

  3. Brag about her to others in front of her. Brag about her to others behind her back, just to get in the habit of it. My husband does that all the time and it’s fucking awesome, seriously.

  4. Go out of your way to befriend the people in her circle – her family, her friends. My husband will occasionally email my sister and my mom just to say hello and see how they’re doing (they’re out of state). I love that he does that; it makes it feel like there isn’t a “my side” and “his side” of the family, there’s just our family.

  5. When you’re going through a rough patch, do you lean on her for support, or do you withdraw? A sense of teamwork through adversity is an amazing thing.

Overall, an analogy that works for me for all relationships is to think of the relationship as a bank account. You’re entitled to make withdrawals, but in order to make those withdrawals, you gotta make deposits. You cannot constantly take out more than you put in. The “deposits” are compliments, acts of kindness, favors performed willingly, holding up your end of the household maintenance, stuff like that.

Or do you interrupt, talk over her, or make a joke out of everything she says?

Conversely, do you offer support when she’s going through a rough patch? Or is she expected to be your rock but she’s on her own when the going gets tough? It’s nice if you can lean on her when you need to, but respect would be being available for her to lean on you when she needs to. Which is why this:

Is a really great analogy.

Everyone is NOT happy - your wife has told you explicitly that she isn’t happy.

And, unless you are a comedian, “working for years” on jokes is ridiculous. Perhaps you should work more on your listening skills.

Also, I think it sucks that you assume all compliments are lies. Do you seriously believe that? If you think the compliments you are telling your wife constitute telling your wife lies, then you have bigger problems in your marriage than your so-called sense of humor. If you feel you have to lie to compliment your wife, why are you married to her? You obviously don’t think much of her, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a hardship to tell her she’s doing something well.

I’m really curious for an update.

Yeah! Us feminazis want an update! Though I think it’s just going to be more of “You guys are all wrong, I can make whatever jokes I like, everyone loves my jokes, I am so fucking funny.”

Let me tell you, I know sarcasm and you are not it.

The irony, it burns us.

More sad than burning, IMHO.

SuperHal, since you don’t seem to be interested enough to read the books recommended to you, I’ll straight out say it: What you are doing is verbal abuse.

If what you have told us is true, then you are a verbal abuser. What are you going to do about it?

Superhal, if what you’ve said here is true, then you know what it feels like to hear this kind of thing. Your wife says she doesn’t like it, so don’t subject her to it either.

Also, if you’re surrounded by passive aggressive types, maybe your behavior is a part of why people are treating you with sarcasm.

OK, I take back what I said about divorce. Being a total armchair psychoanalyst here, I’m guessing that Superhal grew up in a toxic environment that has left him feeling very cynical when it comes to things like praise. If so, then Superhal, I’m sorry you were dealt such a shitty hand. You’ve worked out a way of dealing with it that may work for you, but maybe is not so great for others and may be costing you more than you think. OK, I’ll stop with the superciliousness now.

I think we established that Superhal had a crappy, depressing childhiood, that’s not really in doubt.

Superhal, do think your wife would agree with this statement: “Usually the praise I get is thinly masked sarcasm or insults.”

Is that what you want for her? Is it what you want for yourself?

Superhal, I know you don’t like the suggestions being proffered, but could you try them for one week? If they don’t work out you can always go back to your old ways.

Just wondering…Why do we care so much? I mean, his wife chooses to stay with him, regardless. There is always more in a relationship than what you see on the surface. I’m not saying his behavior isn’t douchey, but meh. shrugs It’s his and his wife’s lookout!

I could be wrong but…

Look, Superhal started this thread. He seemed to think that there might be something wrong with his relationship and while maybe thinking it might be one of those “some folks think this way, some folks think that way” kind of thread, it turned into “we all think this way, except you” kind of thread. I’ve had those before and the common reaction is to get defensive. It’s natural.

However, it’s not often that a collective of dopers in this size is collectively wrong. So take that pride and swallow it. Think about the actions you’re doing and the words and advice given and start working on rebuilding yourself. You’ll not just improve your relationship but yourself.

Another difficulty is that Superhal values his sarcastic wit. He might feel that it makes him superior to others because he doesn’t put up with bullshit like everyone else. It’s hard to change something that you think is a core part of who you are and what makes you special.

FWIW, you don’t have to choose between telling jokes and tolerating BS. You can just give up on jokes when the truth hurts too much to be useful. Or just learn to be more tactful when “telling your wife the truth” with sarcasm.


Well, also we have a pathological need to help. I keep having to stomp on my pinkies to keep myself from posting to those threads that are really howls for attention because I want people to feel better and treat their wives better and pet their cats more. Can’t help it. If I were an old Jewish lady I’d keep trying to set women up with handsome young doctors.

I don’t “Care so much.” I slept just fine last night. But I do care enough to respond with the truth as I see it. Just as, in the past, I have greatly appreciated folks on the internet caring enough to give me their input.