O.k. I’ve seen this symbol around on different websites, in a game and I think it was even in Constantine (but I can’t recall). Does anyone know what this symbol’s called, what it means and/or what its origins are. The symbol is at the very bottom of this page and is the only image ingulfed in a blue flame. link
Sorry for such a poor image but it was the only one I could find. Thanks.
Given that the symbol is not only featured in the game, but is the icon for it, and given that the sequels to the game added vertical slashes to the center to form Roman numerals II and III, and given that it is a stylized letter Q, which doesn’t stand for all that many other things, I think it’s safe to say that Quake is, indeed, the origin.
Alright, I’ll take it that it’s a stylized “Q”. And I have seen it in Quake. The reason why I brought it up was because I remember seeing it long before Quake was even put out so I just thought maybe it was something else. Especially since I can recall seeing it on a dark art website before and thought it might have something to do with that. But thanks for the comments