Just out of curiosity.
I don’t like most of his policies, but on a more personal note I don’t like the fact that he was the commencement speaker at my college graduation, and instead of giving a speech remotely pertaining to graduation, he gave his campaign speech word for word. Even the democrats in my class were bothered by that. The rude bastard.
I don’t like that he wasnt’ true to himself and tried too hard to please people based on poles. I don’t like his stiffness, he’s much better relaxed.
But overall, I like him. I hope he runs again, and I hope he runs from his gut this time, as he’s said he would.
He does not seem genuine. He comes off too rehearsed / programmed. I do not think he can win a presidential election. I like Gephardt.
He’s plastic.
It’s not clear to me why he wants to be president. It seems like he’s running (has run) as some sort of logical-next-step, it’s-what-Daddy-wanted kind of destiny thing. Plus the whole preprogrammed, wooden, responding to polls and Naomi Wolf’s advice thing. Plus the kiss – ewww, skeeves me out to this day.
Unfortunately, I don’t see us (Democrats) coming up with anyone who’s going to do a lot better. Also like Gephardt – and Joe Biden, though he’s never gonna be forgiven the Neal Kinnock thing in '92. Who else is thinking of running?
I didn’t know that he was a geography guy.
I don’t like him because of that stupid lookng beard.
Didn’t he ditch the beard? If so, it was probably because of a poll.
He’s robotic, a policy wonk, one who might - might! - be a good president, but he has no charm, no charisma, no nothing. You might as well program a computer to run for the job.
Never mind.
I am reminded of the Gunsmoke joke, the punchline of which is:
“Yep Festus, but shes the only one in town.”
I dislike him because of the fact that when I was a financial journalist working on a story about social security and demographics in the fall of 2000, noone from his campaign saw fit to return my repeated calls.
My take–the SOB was lying through his teeth. The more I learned about the social security issue, the more it became clear that he was misrepresenting the issue, and doing so in an inflammatory and fearmongering way.
I lost a ton of respect for him after that.
Plus, I don’t think he’s capable of “running from his gut.” If he had any guts, he would have run that way in the first place. That’s what people with guts do.
He “reinvented” himself so many times during the 2000 campaign I had no idea which one was the real Gore.
I am a democrat and he grates on my nerves. He is the kind of guy that the Democratic leadership loves but most people can’t stand. Educated, but lacking in common sense. Acting as a “man of the people” but clearly from a different class and background. Constantly proposing solutions to problems based on what the polls show to be hot button issues, not acting out of any guiding principles. It’s as if the Dems think the presidential election is a quiz show. All we need to do is put out a smarter guy and we’ll win. How long will it be before they learn that lesson? I’d rather vote for someone like Ralph Nader (except for the fact that he’s a nutjob and I don’t believe in most of his ides) who at least has passion and conviction than an Al Gore with his finger constantly in the wind.
Here in Colorado, we have a Senate race that should have been a slam dunk win for the Dems. The incumbent Republican is a rather dim dullard with a record of zero achievement in his first term. His voting record has some smoking guns (accounting reform is the big one) and he is basically a water-carrier for the Republicans. You always know he will vote party line. The thing people like about him is that he is a likeable guy, and that he was a veterinarian before entering politics. He is not your typical politician, and that is important here (see Ben Nighthorse Campbell, our other Senator.) All the Dems had to do was to find someone with personality and charm and smarts and they would wipe the floor with him/her. What do we get? A wealthy lawyer from Denver who was a lobbyist for major corporations before being groomed for this job. Who also, by the way, lost the last election to this guy! All the Republicans do is say “lawyer-lobbyist, lawyer-lobbyist, lawyer-lobbyist, neener, neener, neener” and that’s probably all they need to do to win the seat.
I just don’t understand what the leadership is thinking.
I guess they figure he’s the one with the best name recognition, and they probably also figure a lot of people think Al was robbed in 2000, so they’d like to give him another chance. I’m sure there are better Dem candidates, but who? Sometimes it’s best to go with a proven entity, unfortunately.
He used to be an intelligent up and comer with respectable ideals but he “sold-out” to be a puppet for the DNC. Another ignominious example of the Peter principle. A shame really.
Did this guy beat someone in a primary, or did you have a caucus?
He can’t dance.
There’s just no Al Gore rythym.
i wrote “poles” didn’t I? Ack.
Amazing what the brain does late at night…
He based his vote on the gulf war on which side would give him the most time on the senate floor. He was negotiating “primte time” access.
His sister died of lung cancer. Sometime later, he spoke to some local tobacco growers and bragged about being a tobacco farmer and doing a lot of the work himself. Later on, while running for Prez, he said he made a promise to his dying sister to fight tobacco.
I dislike him, not because he’s a liberal and I’m not, but because he flat out lies about some basic things in his life. He seems to have no principles.
The more I read about Paul Wellstone, the more I see the anti-Gore.
I’m curious, not nasty, here.
Did you hear him, or do you have a cite?
That’s pretty tacky of him.
Because he’s a man with no principles; just a plastic talking head. Heck, even Wellstone had principles… :rolleyes: