What effect would an acquittal have on Trump's future behaviour?

This poll question is directed primarily to those who believe that the actions of Donald Trump that led to his impeachment constitute some sort of wrongdoing (even if you don’t necessarily believe that this level of wrongdoing warrants impeachment or conviction). But in case you believe that Trump didn’t do anything wrong at all, I’ve added a poll option for this, and you’re still welcome to take part in the discussion.

The question is as follows: Assuming the senate votes to acquit, what effect will the entire impeachment process and trial ultimely have on Trump’s future conduct? Will the increased public scrutiny and criticism of his actions have any corrective or at least preventative effect, making him less likely to risk committing similar malfeasance in the future? Or will he see the acquittal as a validation of his past behaviour, emboldening him to do this sort of thing again with the expectation of impunity? Or will the impeachment and trial have no effect whatsoever on his prospects for recidivism—that is, he may or may not choose to reoffend, but the past impeachment proceedings won’t be a factor in his decision?

More generally, what effect would an acquittal have on the behaviour of future presidents?

Given that he made the Ukraine call the day after he proclaimed exoneration from the Mueller report, I think it’s safe to say we already know the answer.

After next week I’d avoid 5th Ave.


The Mueller report was released. This included Volume 1 Section 4 which was around 100 pages detailing numerous acts of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives. Trump saw this, shouted, “No collusion,” and immediately started seeking aid from a different foreign power for the 2020 election.

Just imagine how unhinged he’ll be if he gets a second term and doesn’t have to worry about getting reelected.

I’m using that one!

Corporations are going to be lining up to give him money to remove the EPA entirely.

Federal land will open up to any opportunistic asshole with a checkbook. Wildlife preserves, wilderness areas and National Monuments will begin to disappear.

Putin’s whispers to him will become shouts and demands.

I would not be surprised at all if certain polling stations are “shut down in the national interest”. Now that it will have been made clear by arguments in the Senate that “National Interest” is exactly the same as “Whatever Trump Needs to Do To Get Elected”.

It’s not too strong to say that this upcoming vote in the Senate is a vote for changing the system of government to one of dictatorship. If the dictator can do anything he wants to get elected, (because it’s in the “National Interest”), and there can be no investigation or oversight whatsoever about what actions the dictator takes, since nothing he does can ever be illegal… Then the dictator has carte blanche to completely run the elections, jail his opponents or simply eliminate elections altogether.

This is the path Senate Republicans are not only choosing - but promoting.

I voted no change. As far as I can see, Trump has never believed the rules that other people have to follow apply to him. A Senate acquittal won’t tell him anything he doesn’t already believe is true.

No change. Trump will always do what benefits Trump and that’s that.

I voted “no change” because the premise assumes Trump was feeling some threat of consequences in the event of a conviction / removal. While he certainly reacts angrily, I think that’s more a generic bullying template than a considered response to circumstance. In other words, I don’t think he consciously believes in the possibility that others could keep him in check. So an acquittal is vindication, a conviction is injustice… I just don’t think he has the capacity to change his behaviour at this point.

I think he will seek revenge on any and all who he perceives as having betrayed him. Therefore, he will be emboldened to act with impunity. Especially so if he wins the election, which he will consider the ultimate vindication and carte blanche.

And has seen that the Republicans will let him run with acting heads of everything, in defiance of the Advise and Consent rule of the Constitution, and have put it down in black that ignoring all oversight from Congress is allowable, and that the base will back him regardless of how brazen he is…

Gonna be fun times.

The Republicans are the frog in the slowly heating pot of water.

Stick a fork in 'em.

He’ll mellow

Trump will be less likely to re-offend. Acquitted, the whole hassle and process of impeachment was/is still a stress to him, just like how an acquitted defendant doesn’t relish being dragged back in front of court again in the future.


Wait… you aren’t serious, right?

You’re talking about the man who went from one failure to another, larger failure, one after another until he was $2.5 billion in debt and completely blackballed from any bank in the country.

You missed an obvious option:

Trump will become completely unhinged and find new crimes to commit since he now feels immune from all consequences.

Trump added to his Muslim ban: Nigeria, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan and Tanzania added to his restricted travel list. Dollars to dust motes he has no business connections in any of those countries. BTW, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa.

As I recall, one of his arguments in court for the ban was that it was to be temporary, 90 days. We’re now approaching three years. Just another Trump lie. He’s going to go nuts.