What ELSE do you use angostura bitters for?

That’s what my father used to give me when the hiccups wouldn’t succumb to normal cures. A slice of lemon with Angostura bitters splashed on it. “Here, suck on this!”

Do bitters taste, uh, bitter?

With a vengeance. I double dare you to try it.

Recommend 100%. A LLB is terrific, plus it is the drink of choice at the pub if for whatever reason you’re not actually drinking.

In the posted link, I would definitely use the Sprite (or 7-up would work as well) I think trying to make it using American Lemonade would produce less than satisfactory results IMO.

In the spirit of empiricism, I just sliced up a pear and sprinkled bitters over it. Result: not mind-blowing, but pretty tasty. The sweetness of the pear overwhelms the bitterness of the angostura, and you get this nice herby flavor.

Also, after I posted the OP, I realized that this is probably the best OP/username combo I’ll ever produce. Enjoy it while it lasts, y’all.

Lemon, Lime, and Bitters is the only use for Angostura Bitters that I’m aware of… much in the same way that the only use for Jagermeister is mixed with Red Bull in a Jagerbomb, as far as I can tell.

Much like the Horehound hard rock candy, I would love an Angosturas Bitter Drop.

I’ve often put Angosturas in the Red Licoroce file for culinary referrence. Floral, herbal, sweet, savory, bitter really doesn’t figger.

I’ll ditto that.

I had a severe bout of hiccups a couple of years ago after a day’s boozing in Detroit. A barman suggested Angostura bitters; I immediatley poo-poohed the notion but agreed to try - the result was instant stoppage of the hiccups!