Mine would have to be Eminem and Leonardo DiCaprio. I actually recorded Romeo and Juliet on an audio tape so I can listen to it before I go to sleep. His voice is so calm and soothing, but it has edge to it. So who do you think has a sexy speaking voice?
I always like to listen to Sean Connery’s voice.
Gilbert Gottfried
Sometimes his touch of an accent makes him sound kind of stupid, but I love James Hetfield’s speaking voice. (Metallica’s lead singer, fyi.)
NASCAR drivers don’t count as famous, but I love Elliott Sadler’s voice. He’s got this southern Virginia accent that just drives me crazy, and he’s got the speaking version of Gary Allan’s singing voice.
Salma Hayek
Kathleen Turner
and for you old timers out there: Joey Heatherton
James Earl Jones and Patrick Stewart. Of course, I wouldn’t kick Sean Connery out of bed for reading bedtime stories either.
Lauren Bacall, at age 18, in To Have And Have Not (1944):
Jennifer Lein, aka Kes on ST Voyager. Her voice just melts me.
Antonio Banderas (talking) and David Bowie (singing).
Female: Michelle Pfieffer and Kathleen Turner.
How can you leave out Sally Kellerman (the original “Hot Lips O’Houlihan”)?
David Bowie or Jeremy Irons…
poohpah chalupa voted for:
- Salma Hayek
- Kathleen Turner
Ooooo yeah, I second the vote for Kathleen Turner! She did the voice of Jessica Rabbit in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” You know… “I’m not bad… I’m just drawn that way.” Ooooo rrrrrrowr!!
[That be SELma Hayek, eh?]
Cathy Moriarty.
I have an audiobook of “Lolita” read by Jeremy Irons. The first time he did that “Lo-li-ta” thing, I had trouble keeping the car on the road.
I’m also quite fond of Rupert Everett and Richard E. Grant in the voice department. I guess I’m just a sucker for those Brits!
I would go with Kirk Hammett of Metallica. His voice is soo soo sexy!!
Lance Bass from *Nsync. A deep bass voice is very sexy.
You want to hear a deep bass voice, GuyShyGirl? Follow the links below and hunt for sound clips. Abandon N*Sync and I shall show you the true way of bassy a capella goodness.
Barry Carl of Rockapella will rock your world. The voice of many national ad campaigns (Boston Carver sandwiches, the voice of “god” in the recent Staples campaign), he sings notes that will rattle your fillings. His speaking voice is so low that I’ve occasionally had difficulty understanding him in conversation. A former opera singer, he is truly Da Man.
Richard Greene of The Bobs also never fails to please. His version of “Little Red Riding Hood” is mind-blowing. His speaking voice isn’t as low as Carl’s, but he too has the l33t bass skillz that will keep you up at night. His bandmates will never rest until they get him to croak out “I’m a fuzzy little bunny.” Neither will I.
Finally, I must give props to Mike Mendyke. Formerlly of Boston’s Five O’Clock Shadow, he can provide some of the finest bass stylings available on the free market. Since he’s between groups right now, there’s no good sound clippy link to which I can direct you, but when this man sang a bassified version of “I’m Too Sexy,” he was indeed speaking the truth. Also a songwriter of the highest order.
Lauren Bacall at any age.
I listen to those silly commercials she made.
I can’t remember what they were about.
Ewan McGregor
Kathleen Turner
Forgive me, but wouldn’t it be better if you waited until he needed to shave?