What fictional characters would make great Dopers?

Also, what forums or sort of posts would they prefer? Bonus points for writing the sorts of posts the character would write.

I don’t care if you want to talk about characters from literature, theatre, cineama, or television: only that you restrict yourselves to imaginary personages.

I’ll open the bidding with Ducky from NCIS. He’d be an absolute star in General Questions – handling not only medical questions, but history and politics as well.

Anybody else?

Elizabeth Bennett: I’d love to see her comments on modern etiquette, not to mention Cafe Society.

Queequeeg: “So you’re saying that I, as a Pacific Islander, have a genetic predisposition to being able to throw a harpoon and kill a whale, and it’s not just that I have guts and have been on the water since I was a baby? I can’t buy that.”

The trick is finding interesting characters from fiction who would be willing to spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer.

I’d submit Barbara Gordon aka Oracle.

I think you’ve got a good point there.

Sheldon and Leonard, of course.


You realize not everyone on the board knows what series you’re referring to, no?

Elvis Cole from Robert Crais’ books. He’d totally rock MPSIMS.

I also second Ducky.


(Again, the link I posted contains spoilers concerning The Stand.)

Willow Rosenberg from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” would be a good doper. She liked to surf the net for info back in high school, and as she matured and blossomed sexually she would take an interest on the gay-rights debates.

As she became evil Dark Willow though, maybe we’d have to ban her.

Although it would be tempting to make her a moderator, with powers like those.

Banning Dark Willow does not end well.

I could totally see Cliff Clavin hanging around General Questions.

Jubal Harshaw, Lazarus Long, Maureen, Hazel Stone from Heinlein.

Doc Webster, Jake, Mike Callahan, and most of the gang from Spider Robinson’s Callahan Series.

While he’d be an entertaining doper, I have a hard time seeing him as a “good” one.

Greatness is subjective, but I submit that many currently active dopers are fictional characters.

Maureen, definitely. She had readeritis.

Lazarus, occasionally, certainly in his anti-social moods.

Jubal, definitely not. He has too much contempt for the hoi polloi to tolerate us.

Not sure about Hazel. I mostly think of her as Gwen from The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, and in that book she simply never had time.


I think that Patricia Savage would be a good Doper. Her cousin Clark, on the other hand? Too boring.

I don’t remember her name, but Felicia Day’s character from “The Guild”…for that matter, just about ALL of the people from “The Guild.”

Christian Slater’s character in Heathers would probably fit right in with the Pit and Great Debates.

Now that you’ve said that, I’ll probably visualize AClockworkMelon as **Bladezz **from now on.