What goes on during commercial breaks on Colbert Report and Daily Show?

Anyone ever been to one of the tapings? Do they chat with the guests a little bit off camera? Does the audience hear what Jon and Stephen say as they screen fades out? How much stuff doesn’t make the final cut? Does Stephen break character?

Last time I checked, the Daily Show is taped earlier in the day and broadcast in the evening. I imagine they don’t take “commercial breaks,” rather the host hands off to commercials, the audience is instructed to cheer/clap/whatever, and then it’s straight to “okay, we’re back.”

I was at a Jon Stewart taping about 8 years ago, and they did take short breaks. They did technical stuff - makeup people, assistant producers, lighting technicians and whatnot would run onto the set, do their adjustments, talk with Jon and each other, and leave. I think Jon also chatted with the audience a bit while the others worked.

What Alessan said. They do take breaks, although they don’t last as long as what you see on TV. I don’t think I’ve seen the hosts chat with the audience at the tapings I’ve been to, but that probably happens.

I didn’t think they were as long as the commercials. But every time they go to fade out after the guest spot, both Jon and Stephen lean in and say something to the guest, or at least shake hands again. I just wondered how much of that was audible to the audience. On top of that, Stephen has to walk back over to his desk after his guest interviews.

You mean he doesn’t run back, whoring the applause and adulation? How disappointing!