What happened with dmatschs traffic ticket?

In This thread **dmatsch **asks for advice regarding a traffic ticket he got.
And then in this thread he bitches about the advice he got.
It’s been 4 months now. I’m thinking some kind of court hearing has happened by now.


Dude, he didn’t respond in the thread when you asked this already. What makes you think he’d respond now?

Just in case, I’m taking the rest of the post to the pit thread on this topic.

They’re driving around with The Central Scrutinizer.

Moved from GQ to MPSIMS.

sorry, everyone. I got redirected onto something else and never responded.

I went to court with satellite photos of the intersection and printouts of Florida law, and explained my case.

Actually, the first thing that happened was the cops explaining their case:

  1. provided LIDAR certs and maintenance records
  2. observed (me) going at “what appeared to be a high rate of speed”
  3. nailed me

I objected to #2. I drive a 350z. It “appears” to be going fast at a standstill. I then explained what I had to do regarding the merge over 2 lanes left. I also got one of the cops to admit that I was keeping up with the flow of traffic.

I had a prior ticket from a couple of years ago (82 in a 70), and the judge casually mentioned this when he reduced the ticket to a lesser fine with no points, otherwise I think he would have let me off. I say this because he dismissed the cases of 3 of the lamest excuses I’ve ever heard. One guy even pulled the race card.

Funny thing though, I drive past this place twice a day, and haven’t seen a cop sitting there gunning people since. Probably just moved the stake-out time to coincide with the “Hot Now” sign at Krispy Kreme.

I don’t have a problem with speeding tickets, per se. The problem I have is when governments use it as a revenue generator. All a cop has to do is patrol the stretch of interstate I travel every day. Guaranteed dozen tickets, AND he would be upholding the public safety much more than sitting alongside the road yoinking low-hanging fruit.

Again, apologies all.

You and me both. In my case I got it in NJ this summer for using the shoulder lane for 30 feet to reach an exit (while traffic was backed up in the main right lane). Yet I could drive on I-81 in a driving rainstorm, get tailgated by numerous idiots, including truckers, and not see a single Statey out there trying to prevent any carnage.

I knew they would do that. Which is why I suggested going after training records and such. You’d be surprised at how many officers have no official training in radar/laser. In many areas it is not required. LIDAR, in my experience, is far more difficult to beat in court than RADAR. But that’s just my observation from actually cases I’ve been to.

That’s for the update.

I knew they would too, PK, and it wasn’t information pertinent to the case.

I didn’t care if they produced the certificates stating that they reverse engineered the LIDAR unit from alien tech. All I wanted to do was to tell the judge that in certain circumstances (namely THIS stretch of road) it was necessary in the situation.

And like I said, I haven’t seen a cop sitting there since. I’m not conceited enough to take credit. Probably a bunch of people went to court and brought attention to the place.

I probably would have been let off, but the judge said

Because I knew my place, I said:

And “that’s” for the your welcome, PK.