What have the U.S. ever done for us ...

Scatters eggshells and then proceeds to walk on them …


It’s Thomas Jefferson!

Wait till Biggus Dickus hears about this . . .

So, what do you think of FireWitch’s post, Panji? Where do you think things would stand for much of the world without U.S. intervention in the past?

From Canada

He has a wife you know…


Intercontinentia… BUTTOCKS!

… It’s BUTTOCKUS Boo Boo.

I don’t (personally … OK that’s tautology …) associate myself with any particular artificial social construct, although if I looked hard enough I’d probably find one or two there.

Pshaw on the British I say. I’m certainly NOT British educated.

Burning flags serves no purpose.
Neither does dropping bombs or killing people. Communication works.

Panji = Banner
Kidul = South

It’s ostentatious isn’t it?

In the North South dialogue, I favour the fortunes of the South … they could use a little help.

I’m from the South.

South what?

You’re one of those Neo-Confederate revisionists? The South did too secede over slavery! The world is definitely a better place because the U.S. defeated the C.S.!


[Foghorn Leghorn voice]
I say, I say, there, Buck, the South will rise again!
[/Foghorn Leghorn voice]

South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year

Here’s one!

-Stompoed the Confederacy

I love it.

Artificial construct indeed.

But the family, and the tribe… those are natural, right Pandji?

You are rapidly digging yourself into a hole here, sir.

And, by-the-by, if you don’t believe in “artificial constructs”, why are you attacking the US?

I’m also from the South. Sussex, south of London, England to be precise. If you’re referring to the looming war with Iraq, there are a lot of people in the U.S. who are opposed to it, including me.

I beg to differ. I’m not in favour of burning flags, either, but it can be a way of showing that you’re so angry at your country that you’re prepared to suffer any consequences.

Chamberlain tried communicating with Hitler in the late 1930’s. Hitler wasn’t interested in communication other than “We surrender.” Against him, bombs worked; communication didn’t.

Panji Kidul, I’ve read both your posts in this thread and I still have no idea what you’re talking about or where you’re from.



…made me laugh uproariously. Thanks for that.

I’m not convinced the US has done the world any favors with “Friends”, though.

Oh well, the first 97 series made me giggle. It went downhill after that.

Jersey…he’s just too embarassed to come out and admit it (hell, I would be, too).

South Jersey??? LOL! Nahhh … He would have just said:



So what’s wrong with a nice Sunday stroll on the aqueduct?
Maybe he’s from the south of France, alors!

And y’all just keep fallin’ for that “postponement” gag. One o’ these days, we’re gonna catch you Yankees flat-footed and gape-jawed as we roll up I-95.

We got our educated folk up there already, marking the locations of all the Wal-Mart stores, and taking down all of the “Live Bait” signs. We’ll undoubtedly lose a few to convenience stores with “Beer & Ice” signs, as well as roadside flea markets, but that’s the price of doin’ business.

We got our coolers and Piggly Wiggly bags packed, we got extry tins of snuff saved up, we got Slim Jims out the wazoo, we even got cases of beer under lock and key at undisclosed locations.

So yall just look out.

So would the Waffle Houses be supply depots?