What horror movie could this picture be hinting to?

From reddit, a redditor is going to see a horror movie, which is not named, and the only clue to it was this image. He can’t figure out what it is and I can’t either. What could it be?

Moving to Cafe Society.

The only thing I have is pollen makes me think of the unintentionally hilarious M Night Shamalan movie The Happening. But no idea how any of the other things fit. Is there a horror movie concerning Liverpool FC’s nemesis Everton?

A mention of Liverpool makes me think of the Beatles. Samson makes me think of hair, which was one of the things “they” criticized about the Beatles when the band was breaking big in the British Invasion. “Liverpool” is Xed out, and Samson got his hair cut, depriving him of his strength, so… ???

Pollen might be the band, but I don’t know anything about them except that there’s a band called Pollen.

Got nuthin’ for the last image.

Just off-the-cuff thoughts.

Maybe a 3-D movie? There’s the C (see) on the door and the glasses in the one panel.

Or, that could mean something with “C suite”.

FWIW I found the original image. That skeleton with the mohawk isn’t part of it. It’s the business’ logo that happens to be on top of the picture. I believe that part is just a door with the letter “C” on it.

Maybe the Nicholas Cage remake of The Wicker Man with its famous “Not the bees!” scene?

It’s not the British version.
Sampson killed a lion and bees made honey in its skull. There’s also a character named Sister Honey.
Bees live in a group and forage for pollen.
It’s available in 3D on Blu-Ray.

I don’t think this is the answer but I found it interesting what the AI did to it when I uploaded the image to Microsoft copilot and asked it what horror movie was being hinted at.

The AI thought it was the movie Candyman based on

  1. The short story Candyman is based on was set in Liverpool (the movie takes place in Chicago)
  2. The ‘C’ in the last image
  3. Bees are a theme in Candyman (pollen)

It didn’t really have anything for the Samson reference.

Apparently they mention the Samson story of the lion carcass full of bees in the 1992 Candyman movie.

Bowing to the greater knowledge of other posters above, it feels like Candyman is a good fit.

The redundancy in having two clues leading to ‘bees’ makes me feel a bit funny though. I spent far too much time laterally, researching horror films with a character called Delilah (turns out more than a handful) or that might feature a C-section :open_mouth: (same). :laughing:


If AI nailed it I’ll be impressed and a bit scared.

Full disclosure. After I gave copilot the picture, it initially guessed ‘The Cabin in the Woods.’

That didn’t make a whole lot of sense though (I think it was focusing on the woods in the background of the samson picture).

I think I switched it to ‘more precise’ if I remember correctly and then it got to ‘Candyman.’

Keep in mind this is with little prompt from me other than uploading the picture and asking it ‘What horror movie is this image hinting at?’

I tried to find one that included the song Hey There Delilah.

The Reddit link seems to be dead. Are we just never going to know?

The movie doesn’t start for another hour and fifteen minutes. Here’s the FB page of the organizers:

I do believe Candyman will prove to be the right answer. The redditor seemed to think so too when I told him.