What I really want on that special occasion is...

Bacon Roses! It’s the perfect gift!

Intriguing. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t appreciate them IRL. :slight_smile:

I had one of those removed once. Non-malignant, thank God.

They don’t look nearly as disgusting as I expected.

What a concept!! Yes! Bacon anything is a good thing.

Harrumph! Back when I learned how to make them, there was no drilling holes in muffin tins and baking the bacon. We FRIED strips of bacon and then quickly rolled them up into roses! And we were grateful.

At least your bacon came already cured and pre-sliced…

I admit it, I did not raise and kill and process my own pigs. And after reading about the procedure in Little House in the Big Woods, I have no desire to do so. Not even with modern shortcuts.

The gift that goes straight to the heart.

There is never a wrong occasion for bacon! :slight_smile:

What kind of tool would you need for those anyway? Some kind of cross between a cork screw & a car cigarette lighter? Sold with a flavor-baster & 4 bungee cords no doubt. :eek:

I beg to disagree. Bacon is probably not welcome at a passover seder.

Before the county intranet got hacked today, I showed my boss that link and suggested them for her hubby. She looked, let out a strangled laugh, showed me the hand and walked away. I think it will be good blackmail material, I can threaten to send the link to her hubby if she won’t approve my vacation request :slight_smile:

OK, good point; from my non-Jewish perspective, there’s never a bad time for bacon! How about that? :wink:

Works for me!