What if Bin Laden was in the United States RIGHT NOW ?

I mean, nobody knows where he is right ? The people that do know surely aren’t talking.

How sinister it would be if Mr. Bin Laden flew into Canada two weeks ago and drove through the Windsor border. Drove a BMW to New York and checked into a hotel nearby where he could watch his ultimate plan unfold. He shaves his beard, puts on some weight and walks around with a buzz cut and sunglasses all day.

Is this really that implausible ? Who would think to look for him *here[i/] ?

Yeaaahhh… what if indeed?! Good thing you’re on our side with that razor sharp mind of yours. You’d better get right down there and keep your eyes open. We’re all counting on you Lockfist. Let us know if you see anything.

Awe astro you’re no fun ! You think I’m getting on a plane right now ?

I guess we’ll see. Really though, I doubt that guy is still anywhere near where we think he is. Who can say if he’s not in Australia or somewhere in India ? I would like to know why everybody is so sure he’s in Afghanistan.

Considering his brand of Islam, I doubt he’d shave off the beard.
Maybe Pakistan, India, Egypt or another predominantly moslem nation, but I really doubt he’s here in the US.

What would Osama bin Laden do
if he were here right now?

Is that stuck in everybody’s head now? Excellent!


They said he isn’t in Afghanistan anymore.
They think he’s in Somalia, maybe…

Apparently, it isn’t a problem for him to get a flight out of Afghanistan… (you probably have to cut & paste the link)

You mean like WWBLD bumper stickers?

What would Mr. Bin Laden do
If was here right now?
He’d make fake ID and try to get through
That’s what Mr. Bin Laden’d do!

Kyle: When Mr. Bin Laden wakes up next week
thinking its another day
He’s find a rifle up his ass and he’ll be made to pay.

Cartman: When Mr. Bin Laden is in his camp
saying there’s nothing to be feared
Our troops will attack and tie him down
And make him shave his beard.

Everyone: So what would Mr. Bin Laden do
If were here today?
He’d be locked up for a century or two
That’s what Mr. Bin Laden’d do!

“He shaves his beard, puts on some weight and walks around with
a buzz cut and sunglasses all day.”

Yeah, sounds like my neighbor, maybe I can ask him out for coffee?

That only says a flight was booked in that name.

I haven’t heard anything about him having left Afghanistan on CNN.

lol Maximum Override, good one !

He could sell Afghan rugs for a living.