If you could totally eliminate all but three major religions from this planet, which three would you put in the “Keep” pile?
Baha’i, Daoism, and Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Can I vote for the Amish? They’re not bothering anyone.
Wouldn’t want to be born as one, though.
Edit: whoops, just as I posted this I remembered: Inside the eastern Ohio Amish community torn apart by violent beard cutting attacks | Daily Mail Online
And your other two?
Amish, Buddhist and the Shakers.
I forgot to add that past religions are in the running, too.
But the Amish have that whole separatist vibe: the us vs them mentality with the Amish and the English. Granted, they’re peaceful about it but, to me, an ideal religion should be inclusive not exclusive.
I can’t buy into the Buddhist idea that life is suffering and our goal should be non-existence.
And the Shakers? They lost me at celibacy.
Remember-you don’t have to join them, just pick them. Maybe the Shakers were picked for that specific reason, btw.
That could do wonders for overpopulation.
Last Thursdayism
Last Thursdayism is neither major nor established. No go on that one.
Heavens Gate, the People’s Temple, and Scientology.
In short order, the first two would take care of themselves, and then the only remaining religion would be a joke. Thought oughta nip the whole mess in the bud.
Eta: damn, mine aren’t going to pass muster either. Might have to get the Mormons in on this.
Oh. From the title, I thought this was going to be an amusing commentary on the concept of the Trinity.
Never mind then.
Discordianism, Unitarian Universalism, and the Church of the Subgenius.
Buddhism, Taoism, and Unitarians. Peace loving and play well with others.
Church of England
Church of Ireland
Church of Scotland
Thanks, now I have a Joan Osborne ear worm.
I’d pick whichever three are the least enthusiastic about recruiting outsiders and most likely to leave non-believers unmolested.
Unfortunately, it seems to be the nature of religion to become more restrictive as it becomes more powerful in a society. Buddhism seems really laid-back and non-prescriptive to people in the U.S. because they haven’t experienced it as practiced strictly. I have the uneasy feeling that if the Unitarian church were to become powerful, it would also become authoritarian. I believe I’d prefer to have thirty different religions that were about equal in influence to having three, just because it would dilute their power and make it less likely that I’d end up having to live my life according to someone else’s theology.
So…Conservative Judaism, Hinduism, and I suppose Unitarianism anyway. There. That would give me a good chance to be left alone.
Wiccans, Pastafarians, and Jedi.
People that think that Buddhists are all peace-loving need to remember the Mongol horde were mostly Buddhists. (The 13th century Mongols were actually a surprisingly ecumenical group. Buddhism was probably the majority religion but they also had Christianity, Islam, Daoism, Manichaeism, and a local form of shamanism known as Tangrism in the ranks.)