I was thinking along the lines of a test you can have certain posters take who are struggling with the whole concept of logical/argumentative fallacy. Point them to the logical fallacies list on Wiki and then give them something like This which they must pass before posting privileges will be restored.
To Crazy? will it detract from the whole concept of fighting ignorance by making sure ignorance doesnt show up? could we perhaps make a new sticky with links to logical fallacies and cognitive biases and the already linked test?
Also, they should have to swear undying allegiance to the Democratic Party.
And to Cecil.
What would be the fun of that? I think we WANT folks to give different view points, even irrational ones, since that gives us all something to do. Besides, sometimes you learn more by trying to explain to someone else what you are trying to convey, and sometimes you get a different perspective from someone who doesn’t know all of the steps in the logical fallacies dance.
So, I guess my opinion is this would be a bad idea.
Isn’t this more of an ATMB thing? Hey, maybe we need a test to determine you know which forum to post topics in!
As to the OP, no thanks. I don’t want to see any kind of test for posting here. I’m done talking tests! And most people wouldn’t want it. No one who truly wants to fight ignorance would agree to such a test. Besides, you know who else liked to test people?
Oh, and have you seen the price of butter in Denmark lately!?
The Bridgekeeper in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Perhaps anyone who fails the test can be cast out of GD and into The Gorge of Eternal Peril.
I like that idea better. All posters must be intimately familiar with the bridge keeper scene in Holy Grail.
What is thy name?
(yeah, really)
What is thy quest?
To fight ignorance…and to get mess around when I should be working
What is the polonium-210 half life ratio in the poisoned Arafat?
Are you sure he was poisoned? The jury seems out on that one. Could have been clothes contamination or an error in testing methodology. Have you checked to see the results from the other parties that were sent initial samples? What was the chain of custody on his clothes? Those numbers seem awfully high to me for 8 years…he’s have have to have a huge ingestion for that much residue to still be in his clothes at this point.
Er…I don’t know. How do I answer so many pedantic points in so many directions at once…
To crazy what?
How about a test that proves one knows the difference between “to, too and two?”
I think I’d settle for basic reading comprehension.
And tutu.
This is kinda what I was thinking with the “To Crazy” part of the op. On the other hand it does get pretty old not being able to point some of these people to a nice guide and tell them to take a time out and educate yourself instead of continuing to embarrass yourself.
You know, I’ve heard tell on more than on occasion, that some folks stay out of GD because of the intellectual snobbery that “supposedly” goes on here.
Gee, I wonder were one would get such a crazy idea like that?
2 much work.
That’s a good chunk of the board blocked out then, since quite a lot of the people who hate the GOP also hate the Democrats (although not necessarily for the same reasons).
Well, sure - that’s just good sense.
Considering the quality of most threads in Great Debates the best solution would be to ask the poster to submit a request to somewhere like this and wait for permission to post.
Isn’t it like the joke about the qualifications for college football coach: smart enough to understand the game, but stupid enough to believe it matters?
The point being that anyone who treats Wikipedia as a reliable source is deemed unfit to post in GD?
There may be some people who “don’t belong” in GD, but if so, their problem goes a lot deeper than not knowing the names of a bunch of fallacies.
To crazy or not to crazy, that is the question.
(Is Gaudere’s Law one of the things you’d test them on?)