What info do y'all have on The National Police Association?

A lot of my right-leaning friends are singing their praises, but they don’t seem to have page(or even a mention, for that matter) on Wiki. Google says their national headquarters is a P.O. box in Indianapolis, and their homepage is full of histrionics and puffery, but what are they, and are they actually affiliated with any police organizations?

Do you mean the National Association of Police Organizations? (NAPO) Because that I know. I don’t know the National Police Association.

No, I mean The National Police Association.

Then I don’t know it. The NAPO is certainly legitimate and affiliated with all the major police unions and organizations. There are a bunch of other organizations with similar names. Some are shady and some are legit to a certain extent.

BTW, thanks for the move.

You had this in CS so I moved it. My first thought it to put it in MPSIMS because there might be a mixture of opinion and fact.

This is what they are all crowing about, btw.

They appear to be an advocacy group in support of police and (evidently) firearm rights. There is nothing on the site that indicates it is made up of police officers or officially affiliated with any law enforcement agency.

Their 2020 990 doesn’t indicate much. They have 3 staff members, 2 are paid (1 is for legal consultation, the other clerical work), for a pretty small amount of money. They rake in about $6m/year, which they spend on mailings and communication.

I’m a retired LEO and I always assumed the NPA was scam telemarketing group. Our local police union (PBA) never fund-raise over the phone.