What insanity is this??

So I was just relaxing with my cup of coffee and rambling around the SDMB. I was replying off and on to threads I found interesting and then finding nothing new where I usually hang out I decided to roam in the Pit for a little. Very carefully of course, I don’t like falling into the flame pits. It’s kind of annoying to have to find the fire extinguisher to use upon myself.

I eventually find myself in NoClueBoy’s thread on bread heels. Oh the horror of not having that perfectly formed heel of bread! I feel sympathy for the poor man. Luckily at this time I have a nicely formed heel of bread. :slight_smile:

Eventually as I read the thread I come across two of the greatest insanities ever imagined. crustless bread and sliced peanut butter. :eek:

What madness is this?! Who is trying to ruin the joy of spreading a thick layer of peanut butter between two perfectly formed heels of bread!? Is this some sort of Illuminati conspiracy? Or perhaps some Malkavian thought this up in his insanity?

Is this the end of the world?

whimpers I want my crusty bread and spreadable peanut butter.

Ipersonally don’t like the heel of the bread… And I only like peanut butter if theres oney with it.

It gets worse ~ in the frozen food section at my Kroger you can buy pre-fabricated pb&j sandwiches. Crustless, of course.

Gross !!! Store-bought pb & j !!!

Crustless bread caters to picky children.

Sliced peanut butter, on the other hand… El Yummo. You see, peanut butter must exalted in any and every form. Hooray for peanut butter cups! Glory to peanut butter ice cream!
Peanut butter cheesecake, we adore you! Three cheers for Peanut Butter Captain Crunch! And daily I pray for the invention of peanut butter underwear!

:confused: :eek:

You know we love you, right?

Awww, Ethrilrist, really?

I wubs you too.

Crap your name is hard to spell. Ethilrist. Ethilrist. Ethilrist.

Cool! I’ve never been summoned before (Beetlejuice, you know).

mmm… peanut brittle…

So where you at?

Peanut brittle and peanut butter, not the same thing. Just as delicious; however, not the same thing.

how’bout a nice peanut butter & banana sandwich?

Would somebody kindly shoot these two?

There is something fundamentally wrong with putative adults who “wuv” p.b.

Soon… we will have pre-chewed food.


Try the Christmas variation - add cranberry sauce. Tasty.

I realize that it caters to picky children, but why can’t a parent just cut off the crust and eat it for their crust-loving selves? Maybe I’m biased being a crust-lover. I even eat the crust-edge on my pizza!

And the idea of sliced peanut butter gives me the willies. C’mon you don’t get the same nice thick spread of peanut butter evenly right to the crust of the bread. Thick enough that when you take a bite you can’t speak for a minute because it sticks to your mouth and you have to wash it away with a glass of milk. Mmmmm

I don’t ‘wuv’ peanut butter personally, but I do still eat it. And the good ole PB&J (or honey, or banana’s. I like all three.) Should not be messed with!!! That’s just… WRONG

Here’s another crust lover. I even eat the crusts left on my kids plates after they eat pizza. I say a pox on crustless bread !!!

Don’t make me beat you. Peanut butter must be honored in every possible incarnation AND manner.

Wuv, wust, adowation… it’s all good as far as peanut butter is concerned.

Perhaps all you bread crust lovers out there could contact the people who make the crustless bread, and arrange to buy the crusts from them!! Mmmmm. . .a nice big box of bread crusts to munch on! :slight_smile:

And this is why we have Papa John’s and blenders, folks. Show some initiative. :slight_smile:


gave me a brillian idea. They could pay me to eat all the crusts! Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!!!


of course that would be brilliant :smack: