My husband does somthing weird with peanutbutter....

He smoooooooothes out the surface of the remaining portion in the jar. I’m not sure if he smoothes it while he’s getting it out, or after. He can almost make it look like it does when you first open it, even if the jar is half empty! He doesn’t do this with any other spreadables, (the margerine looks like rabid monkeys attacked it).

Jeez, I wish my kids would do that! Every time I pick up the jar, I usually get a handful of peanut butter from what they neglected to wipe off the jar and cover. Then again, they are rabid monkeys.

I don’t have anything useful to add, just wanted to mention that my first thought on seeing the thread title was that hq forgot the ‘TMI’ warning.

That’s just…


Strange…I do that too. No idea why.

And here I figured this was gonna be a thread about the weird things we like to eat with peanut butter.

I like it in oatmeal, myself, with a some banana and cinnamon. And on pancakes sometimes…

I make it a point to leave all my peanut butter jars horribly mangled for the next person to enjoy. Crunchy just adds to the fun.

I have to carve my initials in the smooth surface of a newly opened jar. Whimsy became habit became ritual.

Darn – I thought this was gonna be a sex thread.

Damn. I was hoping this thread would involve the peanut butter being spread all over your body… umm… errr… what I really mean is… I do that too.

And I realised it was a sign of insanity. So I don’t buy peanut butter anymore!


Hmmm…TJ’s natural peanut butter turns syrupy at room temp. That has all sorts of possibilities.

Sex and peanut butter - yeah!!

Anyone else like their peanut butter on toast so hot that it melts? And then sprinkled with salt?

Peanut butter and vidalia onion sandwiches. Don’t knock it until you try it. It really is a good sandwich.

Okay, I am probably going to get banned for this, but it a peanut butter story too funny not to tell.

TMI warning.

   A friend of mine had the girlfriend of one of our mutial friends approach him. It seem her and our friend wanted to try...

Sex in an orifice close to, but not the usual one.
She wanted to know what is the most comonly used lubricant. My friend was quite dismayed, (1. that she thought he would have extensive knowledge in this area (2. that they were coming to him for advice. Still rather confused he said the first thing that came to his mind “peanut butter”. Never assuming that they would heed his Dr. Ruth like advice, he forgot, or blocked from his mind, the conversation.

That is, until the next time he saw the young couple. Both were looking rather uncomfortable, and rather angry. Mutual friend took him aside, and proceeded to yell “you f…r, that hurt” “What hurt?” “The Peanut Butter.” My friend paused, “peanut butter, how is peanut butter painfull?”

Then the realization of what our friend, his girlfriend, and Jiff had been doing dawned on him.

     It has been almost fifteen years and none of us have ever been able to look at a jar of peanut butter without laughing since.

I thought this thread would involve her husband and one or more unfortunate housepets.

I’m a sicko.

Sweetums, I wonder if they used crunchy!

My first thought when reading the title was of the UL about a man surprising his wife with a party, and when all the guests barged in, the woman was naked with peanut butter smeared all over her crotch and calling for the family dog. Ummm, never mind.

Heh, that is strange about smoothing the peanut butter, but then I’ve always liked opening a new container of peanut butter when it’s all new and smooth on top and just so perfect :slight_smile:

Speaking of crunchy…one time my wife and I were fooling around and got into a food fight. I happened to have a jar of PB in my hand, and threatened her with a big gob of chunky. In her own unique way, she tried to escape…in the direction of my hand. And of course I inadvertently pushed chunky up her nose!

She still treatens me with food on occasion, but all I have to do is glance toward the pantry…and grin.

Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods.

I keep both smooth and chunky, because I like both.

Sometimes I’ll grab a spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar and eat it straight.

Am I the only one who is disgusted by the fact that some people keep their peanut butter in the cupboard instead of in the refridgerator?

I can understand smoothing down the top of a container of sour cream (it helps retard mold growth), but peanut butter? Makes no sense other than in some sort of OC manner.

FoamFighter: if you go through your peanut butter as fast as I do, keeping it out makes zero difference as long as the lid is on it. It’s no different than leaving peanuts out. Eventually, they will go rancid either in the reefer or on the counter. You can also leave butter out, if it’s covered.

I’m disgusted by the fact that some people keep their PB in the fridge instead of the cupboard.
How else do you spread it toast so that it melts, like jjimm and I like? If it’s cold from the fridge, it won’t melt properly.