What is IRQ and why do I have it on my new computer, and why do I need it, or even want it and what do I do with it now that I have it?
I’m not computer smart. When I was a kid, the smallest adding machine weighed 3 pounds and had to be plugged in and used a tape only read-out. I figured the first red LED watches were magic. I could buy a cheap laser from a scientific magazine, Centarui Industries, for $1000. (Mine cost $12 last year.)
This ICQ sign on thing kept popping up when I initialized AOL and got online with the new PC and begged me to sign up, so, after finding no way to get rid of it, I did. Now, I know how to get rid of it.
Do I want to?
BTW, why do new computers have 4 music programs, two of which promptly start the Internet when triggered and 6 ISP programs like AOL?