What is it about Angelina Jolie?

Caught the second half of Tomb Raider on HBO the other evening. Not my kind of movie - lots of things being blown up, etc - but I have to confess I wasn’t paying much attention to the scenery. I was transfixed by Angelina Jolie. I’ve seen her in other stuff (where the T-shirts she wears aren’t *quite * so tight) and she’s had a similar effect.

What is it about her bad girl, sexy girl, little girl lost image that drives me crazy? Is there any cure?

Sure. When she’s trying to continue her acting career 10-20 years from now and no longer has her looks to count on. :stuck_out_tongue:

For me it’s her lips. She could be in a full body cast reading the phonebook and she’d still have my undivided attention.

I was never a fan of hers during her peak of popularity a couple years ago but I’ve recently come around to appreciate her in, of all things, that stupid movie where she’s a reporter that thinks she’s going to die because some hobo prophesized it.

I’ve no idea what it was about her in that movie (it sure wasn’t her horrid blonde hair) that got to me but ever since then, I’ve had a bit of a crush on her. She’s pretty much the only reason I want to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow but she doesn’t have quite a large enough grip on my testicles for me to plunk down $10 to just stare at her yet though.

FyreFiend, you’re right those lips send out all the wrong signals. Usually, I’m dead set against tattoos, but Angelina Jolie is fast turning me into a hypocrite. Such a cutie - and a great English accent. Made me think she was talking just to me. Hooked, totally hooked.

Some beg to differ. I’m not knocking her acting ability - I just can’t see what’s so great about her looks. Her lips aren’t even natural - she has them injected with collagen, making her pout so much she sometimes resembles a fish. And she could stand to eat a sandwich or two. Otherwise, when she gets older, she’s going to be really gaunt and get that “skull-face” look.

AMG, agreed she isn’t the world’s most beautiful woman, but she’s so sensuous, so sexy.

I’m on your side Roger. She, for the moment, embodies sexy for me. I like tattooed women (not heavily tattooed mind you, but one here and there is HOT). She’s one of those women who could fix me a bathwater cocktail. I’m not entirely certain why, but there’s a certain forbidden thing about her that’s just off the scale.

You got a cite for this? I’m pretty sure they’re natural. Unless she spontaneously became bustier after her first few films she’s got breast implants, but I think everything above the neck is the original goods.

I don’t remember who said it, but one quote about her that sticks in my mind is “she’s got curves in places that most people don’t have places.”

I don’t know if I’d call her beautiful, but she’s very eye-catching and quite fun to watch. Still, she’d better develop some serious acting talent or learn to retire gracefully, because trying to keep looking the way she does now is going to produce some scary results ten years from now.

Ahhh Angelina. Check out the 5th photo in this series. God she’s perfect.


I’m pretty sure thos puppies of hers are real. Remember, she’s been acting - and doing nude scenes - since she was 18, and many women tend to fill up a bit in front during their early twenties. Check out the shower scene in Mojave Moon from 1996.

She said in an interview that she wore padding for the Tomb Raider movies.

As for her… there’s just something about her. She oozes sex, and she looks astonishing.

I think they’re real, too. Unless she and her brother got a good deal on a quantity of collagin, I’d say they’re both just fortunately fat-lipped at a time when fat-lipped is desirable and attainable by those not so endowed. Otherwise we’d just accept it.

And here are their parents. You can see they both got their mom’s lips (compare with this).

Since I am so obsessed with Angelina, I have to comment on two things.

Her lips are real. See her brothers lips for comparison. I have a pic of her when she’s like 12 from a magazine and her lips are still big.

Her boobs are real. She wore padding for the Tomb Raider movies because Lara Croft is a D cup. Angelina is about a C cup.

Then go for the movie itself. It absolutely kicks ass. I watched it, and Jolie was great, but the movie was the best thing since Star Wars.

I wouldn’t say she’s a terrible actor; she’s good enough in Girl, Interrupted.

FWIW, I’m gay and I’ve still do Angelina Jolie. She’s hothothot.

Yeah, my wife’s straight and she says she’d do her, too.

You need to watch Foxfire. It’s your description to a ‘T’.

I liked her in Hackers, too.