Some people seem to want/need/crave praise for damn near every ordinary task they do, and it drives me nuts.
Note, I said ‘praise,’ not gratitude. If someone does someone else a favor, even an ordinary thing, sure, they should be thanked.
And I’m not talking about some actually noteworthy achievement. You totally rework some record keeping that results in savings of time or money or just frustration – Kudos. I’ll lead the applause.
But if all you’ve done is one of those ordinary mundane daily tasks, like making a fresh pot of coffee, don’t expect everyone to fall around lavishing praise on you.
For example, there’s a guy at my office I’ll call Bill, 'cause that is his name. Today he put a new toner cartridge into one of the printers. I know this because he made a point to come over to my desk to announce it to me. And not just that he’d done it, no, he had to tell me in detail about every step. How he’d noticed the ‘replace toner’ light blinking. How he’d had to go to the supply cabinet (all the way across the hall, for goodness sake!) to get a new one. How he had trouble getting the new box open and had to borrow a letter opener from someone else to pry with. How he’d had to move the chair beside the printer, since it blocked opening the toner door. On and on and on. And the whole time he’s staring at me, making sure I was giving this epic tale my full attention and handing out verbal ‘wow, good boy’ strokes each time he paused…
Fer crissakes, he didn’t wrestle a saber-tooth tiger to the floor and rip its hide off with his teeth! He replaced a toner cartridge, something every single person in the office has done, most of us several times. The biggest deal anyone else has ever made out of accomplishing this task is a comment like “Took care of the printer” and the most response expected would be a half-attentive acknowledgment like ‘great.’
Bill, though, figuratively forces us to praise his ‘accomplishment.’ (I actually overheard him telling another coworker the same over elaborated story later on today – I guess I didn’t dish out enough praise.) I bet he wouldn’t think a parade complete with confetti would be at all over the top.
The cherry on the sundae is that this is totally one-sided. He never praises anyone else for doing any tasks of this magnitude. But if the rest of us don’t stroke him enough, well, he’ll spend the rest of the day pouting.
Arrrrrgh. Grow up, dammit. You’re not a four year old mastering a new skill, and we aren’t your adoring mommies.