What is pooping in my yard?

Get moving, you cow,
I’m crapping right now,
said Barnacle Bill the Sailor
Be careful, you twit,
don’t step in my shit,
said Barnacle Bill the Sailor

If it’s not from raccoons, it’s from geese. Both shit a lot, and are very common in Ohio.

It’s poop, dude- and you’re willing to kill an innocent animal and violate the law over it?

Funny…no one ever takes me seriously on this board when I’m actually being serious.

Aaaanyway… I can rule out goose poop. I have to step around the stuff every day on the local sidewalks, and am quite sure it’s not the same stuff. I’ll confidently say at this point that it’s from a raccoon. A raccoon which, I promise, will not be harmed. By me, anyway. :rolleyes:

Paging InvisibleWombat!!!