What is poutine?

Is it Canadian?
Is it québécois?
Is it wink wink?
My sister lives in Canada. So I made poutine, with homemade thick-cut steak fries, homemade gravy, and Bandon cheese curds. It’s like bacon; it tastes great but you can’t eat it all the time.

What is “wink wink”?

It’s something you do with your eyelids but that’s not important right now.

Wink wink is an inside joke.

I have to be honest: there aren’t a lot of unprompted real-world opportunities to invoke this clip, so … I simply must:

I’m guessing the joke is about how the word “poutine” sounds dirty, but it actually isn’t.

I think it’s either a contest in which the last person alive wins or the president of Russia.

I’m not sure which.

In 2017 I planned a hike/back country camp in Pukaskwa (Puck-a-saw) National Park (2017 was a free national park year in Canada). Plans meant arriving in Marathon the evening before and camping at Pebble Beach park (apparently allowed, at least for one night). Anyway, after arriving we decided to grab food at the nearby Canadian Legion Hall. I saw poutine on the menu and had to have it. Figure I would be backpacking and would burn the calories. It was pretty good.


If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to why don’t you go where fashion sits?

“une poutine en tabarouette,” was a thing I ate in my late teens and early twenties when I was trying to break into the glorious bicycle racing world and eating 5k calories a day. Though I didn’t say tabarouette, per se.

According to Macleans, it’s Quebecois, from way back when. Fair warning: this article contains “surprising” facts.

Disco fries with added fat. But they are no match for:

Pastrami Chili Cheese fries w/tomatoes and pickles!!!

Poutine means “mess” in french, so it sounds dirty but tastes good.

1422 calories?

He looks like he’s about to hurl. (Or as they call it in the food-eating-contest world, “suffer a reversal”)

There’s a poutine truck down the beach from here.

Poutine’s good if you want a light snack.

But if you want something substantial, come to Rochester and get a garbage plate.

Estimates vary widely, but backpacking burns 500-750 an hour so I probably burned off my poutine the next day. (of course I did eat the next day as well …)


At Epcot Le Celier (sp) has gourmet poutine, and it was truly awesome.

My son dated a Canadian for about 7 years, until she (now “they,” which is part of the reason for the split) broke up with him and broke his heart. Notwithstanding the fact that within 2-3 months of their break-up he had a new girlfriend he’s been with for about 3 years, he is still tragically angry with the ex and dismisses anything that reminds him of their relationship.

Except poutine. He still loves poutine.

La poutine, elle est délicieuse!