What IS That Thing???

I’ve…I’ve never seen anything like it, ever. It’s too weird. It looks like a cross between a bass fiddle and a Pekingese. But from the back, it looks kinda like a banana.

(yes, Persephone is feeling a bit strange today. Just amuse me, okay? :D)

I just want to know what you do with it!

I mean, that thing on the top there looks rather, well, you know.

It’s a baritone dust mop with a, well, a banana.

Err, what is WHAT thing?

[Steve Martin]What the hell is that?[/Steve Martin]

Is that obnoxious yet?

How could you make fun of me like that?!

(stomps off in a teary huff)

Who cares what it is? More importantly- is it available for wedding receptions and other parties?

What, THAT thing over there?

Okay, now you know those really big things that they use to process the zinc in electroplating? Those big things that are big, but are actually kinda’ small – I mean in relation to other big things in the world, like whales and galaxies and Ford Explorers and stuff? Do you know what I’m talking about? You know, Those things…

Right, the things that get all hot and smell like ozone when they get hot.

No, no, no! Your thinking of the pointy-uppy thing, I’m talking about the two lay-ie down-ie things that kinda’ lay down in a “L” shaped kinda’ shape – but not in a “L” shape?

Riiiiight. THOSE things.

Now I’m no expert, but to me it sorta’ looks like something that might be used for something like those things are used for.

“It’s a floor wax!”

“It’s a dessert topping, you cow!!”

Nope, I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like that before, in my entire life. Except maybe this once, just north of Atlanta, in a Waffle House off the freeway. A skinny guy in a leather jacket brought it in out of the rain, and just sorta left it there.

I don’t know what happened to it, but it did cause the waitresses some consternation.

Well, … it’s not my grandmother’s douche-bag. That’s in Ohio.

“Look, up in the sky!”

“It’s a bird!”

“It’s a plane!”

“No, it’s Sup… wait a minute, why the hell would either of you excitedly point out a bird or a plane?”

Criminy, why must some people leave their stuff laying around like that? Bad enough we have to look at it and walk around it, but now it’s starting to smell!! Well, I’m not cleaning it up…

Can you eat it?
Can you have sex with it?
I’m off.

[Steve Martin/ You kids, don’t put yer lips on it!/Steve Martin]

Well, I saw something like it ONCE, but that was in Bhutan and it was supposed to have been destroyed.

We’ll soon get to the bottom of this. Fetch the Book of Armaments!

Hey look! It’s got a coin slot over here. I’ll just put a quarter in it…ummpphhh.


Ohhh geez you hate to see that don’t you?

You think aha would know there are worse things to do besides look a gift…whatever in the mouth. I hope you can get your clothes clean.

You know, the more I look at it, the more it looks like…nah. I’m wrong. But I think Inky- is on to something there, with that thingy-thing. But *aha is kinda right, too–that really was more than I needed to see.

In my family we call these things “the festeris.” That’s the generic name for everything that you can’t recall the name of at that very instance. “Where’s the…oh, you know…the…the…oh hell, where’s the festeris?”