What is the anatomical word for the crease where the butt cheek turns into the back of the leg?

I sadly confess to the world that I have these. They get red and irritated. What do women do about that?

And I always called that the “Interboobical Groove.”

They wear bras.

Only if you’re comparing him to those of a 90-year-old man.

There’s a whole cottage industy of people sneaking porn onto Wikipedia under a veneer of legitimacy. :slight_smile:

That photo looked weird to me and I couldn’t figure out why. Then I realized it’s because they photoshopped out her labia.

Wash and dry that area on a daily basis. Sometimes using antiperspirant under there will decrease the sweating/moisture.
If you are a diabetic, you may need better control of your glucose (which can encourage fungal growth that can also be part of the problem.)

I don’t know where it came from. We used to talk about it when I was a teen… In the mid 80’s…How to layout and get a tan without getting butt smiles, especially tough in a tanning bed.

So I’m not the only one. Another thing to do is, occasionally, when you’re alone, press a fold of the shirt you’re wearing into the crease. I tend to sort of shrug it in there with the backs of my wrists. It helps keep it dry on hot days.

Then there’s always talcum or baby powder. One of my friends was told to try wearing her husband’s used t-shirts, to colonize her skin with different microbes. It worked for her, but now that I think about it, I’m wondering if they got tucked in and if that didn’t contribute.

Lift and separate.

Look, in this age of funding cuts, you have to be creative and use whatever it takes to get folks interested in science.

Intermammary sulcus

I just wanted to say it.

Try an antifungal spray such as Tinactin.

You motorboatin’ son of a bitch, you.

When I was in college we called that “Factory Air”.

OK, so what are the ridges from the nose to the lips called? Probably not something salacious.

It’s called the philtrum, or if you’re someone’s gross dad, the “snot trough”.


OP here. Same situation last night, and I pointed out, with great pleasure, the woman’s gluteal sulcus (should that be sulcii in plural?), and I gave credit where credit’s due. I love me my SD.

Last time, they were jorts, which I had never heard of. This time, my wife sort of raised my vocabulary ante when she said they were “janx.”

Has anyone heard of this word/article of clothing before?

Jeans-shorts top with spandex from waist down.

sulci. Just one i. You get the double-i plurals where one of the i’s is already there in the singular, for example radius -> radii.