What is the anatomical word for the crease where the butt cheek turns into the back of the leg?

You all know what I mean. I was discussing with my wife some amazingly short hot-pants (do they still use that term?) of a woman walking in front of us. The pants were above that line, and we were trying to figure out what to call it.

Come to think of it, I can’t even think of any common/vulgar/slang terms for it either. There’s gotta be.

Gluteal sulcus: Gluteal sulcus - Wikipedia [includes slightly outre photograph]

Its not the proper anatomical term, but ‘awesome’ comes to mind.

I know that no one has asked yet…but the buttcrack is more properly termed the gluteal cleft.

That is inappropriately hot for an anatomical illustration (:drool: )

I think it is called the crease where the butt cheek turns into the back of the leg; or, if you want the virtually unknown name of it, the gluteal sulcus.

Ok, now a followup question - what’s the name for the space at the top of the thighs, between the legs?

I’m sorry, I’m stuck on the fact that you discussing this particular point of anatomy with your WIFE, instead of… you know… pretending that you don’t see any other woman in the world but her.

You have a very different relationship with your wife than I had with mine…

MrsTurtles: Do you see her shorts? They’re so high you can see her gluteal sulcus!
Turtles: Hmm, what? Who? Her? I didn’t see her, I swear, even though we have been behind her for 3 blocks. By the way, have I told you lately how pretty you look?

Butt smiles


:slight_smile: :: -<–not a butt smile, but I’ll probably think of that from now on… ::

Have you really heard that, or is it a) your own creation just now? Or b) your own creation, which only you and an elite circle of friends use?

Also, I like the alternative term with “ruga,” having just learned it, and knowing that ball-sack wrinkles are another instance.

Sulcus is a general term for a crease or furrow. It commonly refers to the creases and furrows on the surface of the brain. It can also refer to the part of the human female anatomy commonly called “cleavage” (intermammary sulcus) or the crease the is often present along the lower edge of the breast (inframammary sulcus).

From the link:

Inferior? I vehemently disagree!!!
Whoever wrote that article must be a leg-man.

When I was a preteen in the mid 50’s, we called them ‘fins.’

"Wow, her fins are showing… "

There were girls showing their fins in the 50s!?!?!?

Bottom Biscuits. According to the People of Walmart website. Which, of course, I never visit.

Donald Sterling?

On reddit they call it “dat gap.”

‘Thigh Gap’ Pick up any fashion magazine for the cite.

Pressing the +1 button.

Oh no, there goes the rest of my day…