What is the best foodie resource??

My girlfriend is a huge foodie, and I want to take her to Toronto for the weekend. What is the best resource (book, web site, etc.) for foodies so that I can line up some fun places for her?

Thanks all!


Also (for a certain type of cuisine): www.roadfood.com (If you can get past the fact that it’s populated by a frighteningly high number of unmitigated assholes, you might want to peruse the “Where Should I Eat?” forums on the main site.)

I’ve had much better luck for serious food stuff from eGullet over Chowhound. Chowhound appeals to the masses; eGullet appeals to the people who do nothing but think about food all day, all the time.

Came to post Chowhound, so thirded, although I’ve never hit eGullet.

Try Yelp for Toronto

Toronto restaurants

Yelp has lots of accusations of fraud - trying to extort restaurant owners for money to remove bad listings, etc. I’ve read too many article like this one to really view it as an objective review site.

Yes, this is exactly what I’ve found as well.

Thanks, Athena- I neglected to say factor this in with other sources like Chowhound.

Thanks all! Knew I’d get good info here!

Go to The Olive Pit on Queen Street West while you’re there.