What is the best pizza-delivery chain?

I’m just out of delivery range for any of the chains, and I order from a local joint anyway, but I’ve eaten all the major chains. Given a choice between chain pizza and nothing, I’d go with Papa Johns.

Pizza is like sex: even when it’s bad, it’s still better than none at all…

It’s been said before, but Round Table delivers the best chain pizza. The choices in the poll hardly qualify as pizza by comparison. Of course, the price of a Round Table pizza is breathtaking.

No love for Pizza Inn? Are they still a national chain? We still have a few left in my state. There used to be a bunch of them here.

I know it’s sacrilege to get chain pizza in Manhattan, but New York style pizza is over $3 a slice around here. And yet I can get 2 medium 2-topping pizzas from Papa John’s for $12. That lasts me the weekend. And it’s actually pretty tasty. Love the garlic butter.

I used to love Papa John’s, but now their crust is too doughy. My favorite is probably Domino’s.

I like Pizza Hut’s lasagna, but otherwise don’t have any preference for delivery pizza.