What is the dumbest wedding music you've ever heard?

Several weeks ago, we attended a wedding where the bride walked down the aisle to the Morris Albert song “Feelings.”

Lyrics can been seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyBcHUe4WeQ

Aside from the weirdness of hearing the song played on a Hammond organ, why would you want these lyrics played at your wedding? We just kept glancing at each other, trying not to laugh.

So, what is the worst song you’ve ever heard at a wedding (as part of the ceremony, not the reception)? I don’t mean worst as in poorly performed, but as in “Why the HELL would you have this as wedding music?”

This one didn’t actually happen, but I was asked a long time ago to sing That’s The Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be at a wedding.

I talked them out of it.

…please, don’t make me re-live that Lionel Richie “Three Times a Lady” reception dance floor moment. Every time a woman walked up to a man and stuck her hand out expectantly it was like, “Sure, I’ve got room in this purse for your balls…”

“No, I’m not feeling well. I need to go to the bathroom…”
“Will you be gone long…?”
“At least 3:44… I mean… it could be a few minutes…”

Well, there goes my “Chicken Dance” response, which I came in to post that on based on title alone.

“Every breath you take” is the creepiest song to ever be played at almost every single wedding.

Yeah, not to hijack the thread, but why do all DJ’s seem to think everyone wants the Chicken Dance, followed by the Macarena, followed by the Electric Slide, followed by the Hokey Pokey and then “Free Bird”? For the love of all that is sacred, please, please, STOP!!!

As someone who played in a wedding reception band for many years, I can tell you that at least one of those group dance songs was requested at almost every one of the 500+ receptions I played at. There’s at least one in every crowd, and they are usually very insistent.

Arguably ours.

We played several variations on the Shaker hymn Simple Gifts (including a recording of Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring).

It’s a hymn by a celibate community that didn’t practice marriage.

I was best man at a wedding where “House of the Rising Sun” was the bridal dance.

Wow, I stand corrected! :smiley: And am in awe of you for having survived it with your sanity intact!

The money helped. :smiley:

Are you from the Baltimore area?

At my daughter’s wedding she and her groom had them play “White and Nerdy” along with “The Time Warp”. We thoroughly enjoyed dancing to both tunes, but some people were a bit confused.

[sub]Hopping around on the dance floor screaming “I’m nerdy in the extreme, whiter than sour cream” was strangely liberating for me. But later the pelvic thrusts did confuse (and overstimulate) some of the aunties. [/sub]

You remember that music that played in ST:TOS when Kirk and Spock had to fight each other during Pon Far? Okay, we didn’t, but DH and I seriously considered making that our wedding march. Some people would have thought that was the dumbest ever. :smiley:

The last wedding I was at had processional music from some relatively obscure anime series. The series was about a brother that accidentally killed his sister and was trying to bring her back to life.

Their first dance was to music from Skyrim.

I’ve heard “Suicide is Painless” (the MASH theme song) played at wedding receptions.

I actually heard “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” played at a wedding (2nd for both). Me and several others about threw up. :eek:

I listened to that tune before taking the MCATs, back in 1978. Weddings, not so much.

Many of the other songs listed here make me think “Oh come on, the bride and groom are just expressing their unique personal taste, nothing wrong with that even if it upsets a few aunts…”- but this one really is the worst I’ve ever heard. It doesn’t reflect personal taste, it just reflects complete lack of taste. Oof.

“If I Fell”. I understand it from a musical point of view - it’s a gorgeous melody and seems like a “wedding song” type piece. But the lyrics are all about a guy dating another woman out of spite for his former lover, so . . . yeah.

An old (ex)friend of mine had Soul Bossa Nova*, by Quincy Jones play in the church when his bride-to-be walked down the aisle, again when they exited the church, and a third time when they entered the reception hall, for the benefit of those that missed it the first two times.

*Perhaps more commonly known as “the theme song for the Austen Powers movie”

ETA: A totally cool tune, in my opinion, but totally inappropriate as wedding music (unless you’re trying to make your wedding a joke)