The question is in the title…
Just curious.
The question is in the title…
Just curious.
OK, I have to bump this once…
Doing Google searches, I find cites of questionable integrity (just about every page also talks about the Illuminati) that puts their estimated worth at 100 TRILLION dollars!!! :eek: That is 100 million million dollars. $10[sup]14[/sup]! They could pay off the US debt 10 times! This is ~7 times the GDP of the United States. If you converted this to pennies, you could build a stack all the way to the sun 100 times! :eek:
Anyway, is this true? If yes, are they monolithic? A single family? Or are the British Rothschilds a separate group than the French Rothschilds and they just happen to have a common ancestor? What’s the dope?
No good info, but about 15 years ago, I read that the total worth of the combined family was somewhere around 400 mil, and that France (???) had clipped them down to that level, with some anti trust, anti conspiracy, or nationalization thing, or something weird that the French are always doing. Can’t be of more help, sorry.
Well, 400 Million is almost 6 orders of magnitude less than my Google cites, but it is more believable. Still, I would expect them to be richer. 400 Million does not even put them in the top 100 richest people according to Wiki (note, I don’t see a Rothschild on this list). Anyway, anybody else got good data?
Long story short, back in the 18th century, there was a German Jew named Meyer Rothschild, who eventually became a banker to the Elector of Hesse. He sent one of his sons to London to open a bank there, and another one to Paris to open one there. Another one of his sons stayed in Frankfurt, another one moved to Naples, and another one moved to Vienna. Each of the branches of the family is descended from one of the sons.
The 2009 Sunday Times rich listlists three Rothschilds: Lord Rothschild, his cousin Sir Evelyn and Lady de Rothschild, and his son Nat Rothschild worth £360M, £430M, and £330M respectively for a combined fortune of £1120M (call it 1.8 billion dollars) but I don’t think there is any reason to believe that act together. They all appear to be separate fortunes.
One point to note, again according to the Rich List, Lord Rothschild’s fortune fell by £1040M between 2008 and 2009! Doesn’t your heart bleed for the poor man down to his last 300 million…
The poor dear!
Thanks all for the replies. The question was spurred by a right wing friend of mine who was spouting some glurge that the Rothschild family controlled 1/6th of the worlds wealth and that they basically controlled everything. I don’t have quite enough information to debate them, but I do have enough to dismiss them.
In the beginning goldsmiths created vaults to keep people’s gold safe. Eventually they created paper slips to secure the amount of the gold they had deposited. This was the invention of money as we know it.
Then they realized that they could lend money. Then they started lending more money then they had gold based on the fact that typically people left their gold in and they could easily cover all withdrawals. That is currently our system of fractional borrowing. Banks are allowed to lend 10 times the amount they have in equity. They are literally lending money that they don’t have in order to gain interest. So instead of lending the exact amount they have, and gaining 4-8% interest, they loan 10 times the amount they have in equity and earn 40-80% return.
Okay now we get to the Rothschild family. How much is a castle worth? They own many of them. Think about it. Does Bill Gates live in a castle? Does Mark Zuckerberg? Nope because castles are quite pricey. They own parts of the federal reserve bank, and most banks on earth. Their position in these banks is original invested stock holders (unnamed.) When countries are in trouble, they borrow from the Rothschild and give away massive percentages. This family is in possession of beyond 50% of the worlds wealth. Have you ever played the game Risk or Monopoly? What happens?
Even at 400 million, why are they not talked about on any wealth lists?
And to the last post… Why would they pay off the US debt? They profit off of it. When the federal reserve prints money and devalues the dollar, who profits? If it literally devalues money, then why do we do it? To pay bills with more pieces of paper worth proportionally less? Hoax transactions.
They have invested in Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, they meet with presidents, control wars, and more. They pull strings in the stock market. They own major shares in everything important, and if that wasn’t enough, they create flops by selling all of their shares suddenly, then buying them back after others bail. They buy up their original shares plus the shares everyone bailed on. People can’t buy them back when they just sold low, and by the end of the day it’s high again.
What’s the BS level in this post? Not being an expert in these matters, but being pretty good in picking out BS, I’ll say 75%.
The first and second paragraphs aren’t far off except the numbers are way off. 10%-15% return on equity is more realistic for a commercial bank.
The tone sort of implies there’s something wrong with how banks work, which is BS, but you can’t really critique tone too much.
Everything in the 3rd paragraph is bullshit.
The fourth paragraph begins to become incoherent. L. G. Butts, Ph.D. mentioned paying off the U.S. debt as a way to comprehend the family’s purported wealth, not to suggest that they would. Regardless of how much money they have, the Rothschilds are European so they hardly need nefarious reasons to not pay off our debt. Hell, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet don’t need nefarious reasons to not help pay off our debt.
The last paragraph is mostly BS but I imagine any very wealthy person may appear own some interest in “everything important” just by virtue of having a very diverse portfolio of investments.
They don’t need much money to carry on their centuries-long businesses. That’s what the rest of The Jews around the world handle under their leadership.
Even the Holocaust was a false-flag business plan.
It’s true. Look it up.
They would be if the list was long enough but $400 million doesn’t come close to get you into the top 1000 worldwide. There are more than 1100 billionaires in the world. I don’t know what their world rank would be but is likely not even in the top 10,000. There are thousands of people with wealth in that range.
This is nonsense. Castles aren’t that expensive. Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg don’t live in castles because there aren’t many in Seattle or Palo Alto. This user seems to have a fantasy that the Rothschild family is fabulously wealthy and that’s hardly the case. Their wealth has been exceeded by lots of people, even many people in India and China.
Yea, I suspect the reason that Bill Gates doesn’t live in a castle is because Bill Gates doesn’t want to live in a castle.
Forbes: the World’s Billionaires.
The Rothschilds went into banking and built major banks in the dominant European countries of 18th-19th centuries, just as Captain Amazing said. The economies and societies of those countries were different from today in major ways. Governments developed wealth mostly by exploiting their colonies and draining them of money and by taxing their own people heavily. Both of these were unstable sources. Any shift in a revenue source, like sugar moving from Spain to France to England in the West Indies, or spices going from Portugal to Britain to Holland in the East Indies, could cause shortages. And the peasants were revolting. Over and over again. Besides, the countries in Europe always were at war with somebody and war is ridiculously expensive and non-productive.
On the flip side, trade was generally looked down upon in monarchical, aristocratic countries. The nouveau riche tended to rise out of the lesser gentry or even, gasp, the middle class. They couldn’t get funded through the traditional old boys’ networks.
The Rothschilds - and others: there were many others not mentioned in the conspiracy theories - were part of this nouveau riche, though they amassed bunches of titles of nobility in the 19th century. They invested internationally, so that their money wasn’t tied to the current good fortune of any one country, and backed trade and development in the new industrial economy. They were rich early, and governments in their eternal war spending turned to them for funding.
That’s pretty much the source of all the idiocy. They didn’t have more money than governments: they had more stable flows of money. They didn’t control policy: wars may have been good short-term business but they disrupted everything else. They profited by the wars and the stupidity of governments: ordinary people suffered because of wars. And they were Jews: Jews had been legally prohibited from almost everything else and so went into banking and money-lending, which were despised forms of business that others didn’t want or were afraid to go into because of Biblical condemnations of usury.
So the Rothschilds got very very rich. But time never stands still, except in conspiracy theory-land. The amount of money available washed the scruples of the rich clean and rival banks appeared that successfully competed. Wars got more and more expensive and only governments could create that kind of money. Colonies gained their freedom and the whole mercantile economy disappeared. Industrialists formed corporations on a scale undreamed of in the 19th century and made their own fortunes and power. Society started rewarding the holders of wealth regardless of their titles or ancestors.
In short, everything that made the Rothschilds powerful earlier dissipated. They are still very wealthy by ordinary standards but not by their historic standard or that of modern wealth. There are only two bankers in the top 100 of that Forbes list. There is no way to hide wealth or influence in the modern world. Information is currency. Everybody knows where the power lies and where it is shifting every minute. Secret billionaires are for comic books and Bond movies.
Conspiracy theorists tend to be bigots. There is always an “Other” behind reality. Wealthy Jews who once dictated to governments make for a fantastically good Other. Those days are long gone. Bigots long for them, but to hell with bigots.
I’d tell you but…
“Not now, I’m right in the middle of a Rothschild”
Don’t quote that filth verbatim.
You gave yourself away by suddenly sounding less moronic. Go away.
What is the point of finding out what the combined worth of distant cousins are? Does that prove they are in a conspiracy? Oh right, Jews.
Less moronic in grammar, equally moronic in filched content.
Our recent guest has left the building.
samclem– Moderating morons daily.