What is the origin and purpose of Jehovah's Witnesses?

…doin the Masquerade raaaaaaag

This thread bring a refreshingly novel Conspiracy Theory to the table, and for that the OP should be celebrated. Hell, he got to the “You can’t handle the truth and how dare you ask me for citations?” bit by post 14. On the information superhighway, this guy is positively speeding.

“London’s involvement” included but was not limited to disarming the proto-Israelis while allowing the Arabs to be armed and a very notable case actually leading an Arab army against Israel, imprisoning Holocaust survivors fleeing to Israel, arresting proto-Israelis who were engaged in self defense, and so on. If a conspiracy was behind Britain’s treatment of the question of Zionism, they were anti-Zionists, not pro.

You are aware that we invaded and occupied Iraq, right?

Only anti-Semites think that “the Chosen People” refers to any bonus, benefit, or special privelege. Only cranks believe it refers to some sort of “ruling the world” mishegas. “the Chosen People” means the people chosen to bear an extra burden that gentiles do not carry. In point of fact, gentiles can be just as righteous in God’s eyes (under Jewish theology, at least) by simply following the Noahide Laws rather than all the Mitzvot.

Simply for the record, I wasn’t illegal.
The idea that the way out of monetary trouble is World War Three and that WWIII would allow pedophilia to be “glorified” is, perhaps, a bit more insane sounding than you intended. The idea that the United States is Israel’s “surrogate” is, well, a bit more insane sounding than that. Can you please list the year in which we moved our brick-and-mortar embassy to Jerusalem?

No, those are claims you’ve made which are useless.
Give proof or retract.

P.S. We’re literate here, and can actually read and critique cites. Providing us with YouTube links is not only a standard page out of the Crank Bible, it’s a waste of all of our time as we certainly won’t watch 'em and you serve no purpose by posting 'em.

I believe Israel wasn’t even established officially until after WWII, not WWI, unless I’m mistaken?


Oh THEY did it, now I understand :smack:

All I have to say is that the Amish sure have lucked out that they convinced the world it’s the Jews who are in control.

Wait, OP, are you asking us or telling us?

TomDeb, You want references? Look at your country… Look at your world…

Two sides to every dollar bill Finn.

Susu, I didn’t do it…

OK, now what?

That is not how it works.

You wandered in here making absurd claims that I know from a reading of history are utterly ridiculous. If you want to persuade me that you have some great hidden truth that is at odds with all known facts, then you have to provide the source for those claims. Otherwise, I am going to dismiss your nonsense as one more odd bit of silliness.

Of course, since you already appear to believe that the Illuminati are something more than a loose collection of academics who only lasted as a correspondence club for a dozen years in the eighteenth century, I suspect that you are simply repeating something you heard, based on a gullible need to think that the world is bound up in conspiracies. Similarly, the notion that the Masons are anything more than a fraternal organization of support that provides a bit of an edge for business associations on the local level is another silly, if popular, belief. (Hint: neither the Masons’ own mythology of being the direct descendants of medieval masonic guilds nor the wild-eyed claims that they are the crypto descendants of the Knights Templar have any truth to them. We know who founded the current organization and when, and it had no mysterious origins.) Since you appear to entertain the more outlandish notions about those groups, I have no reason to expect to find any substance in your claims about the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I would, however, be interested to see where you are getting your “information” about the JWs so that I can note it for future disdain.

Are you also a fan of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, by chance?

It’s Sisu, but then what could you expect from an Illuminati Elder posing as a nut job conspiracy theorist to throw us off the scent by making such lazy arguments for their existence.:wink:

So are you “they”?

TomDeb, I won’t even bother wasting my time answering the first part of your insinuation. As to my information about Jehovahs’ Witnesses; well i’m an old man and I’ve spent my entire life in and around them. Been around them since just after after WW2, the prelude to WW3 unless we all quit waiting on Jesus and do something pretty damn quick…

“We finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”

Do you not understand what a citation is or why they’re absolutely mandatory whenever you make any claims? Do you know what the null hypothesis is and why we use it?

Ahhh… a delightful word salad with a refreshing crazysauce vinaigrette.

Well, I’m a Jew and I actually am able to read and cite things, so if I make up a bullshit Conspiracy Theory and refuse to cite anything, how do we figure whether your CT or my CT is true?

I have no idea what the point of what you are arguing is? So what if there is a conspiracy? What does it mean to me in my life?

His, of course. You’re part of the conspiracy! You’re one of…Them.

No, no, not a Jew; a giant ant. Everyone knows that when something goes wrong, it’s the fault of Them.

He apparently believes that the Jews, British crown and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are conspiring to bring about global thermonuclear war.
Yes, for serious.

P.S. Chappy? Another point you should realize about your total refusal to provide any actual proof for any of your claims, at all, is that you’re posting on the internet. We have no way of knowing if you’re an old man, if you grew up in the JW’s, etc… I, as a race car driving astronaut ninja secret agent certainly know how easy it is for other people to manufacture false credentials.