The guy on the left.
Link to “webtoon” page.
Fur-collared cloak or cape.
You mean the mask?
A fur-lined cloak, dark Lennon glasses, and a face mask pulled down around his chin, it looks like.
Oh, yeah. And a wristwatch.
A wristwatch.
To tell the time and signify social status.
Oh yeah. That’s probably more what he meant…
Also, apparently one of his fingers is highly radioactive.
Man, I hate that style of drawing. Is there a name for it, or is it just “generic manga”?
Webtoon. Pretty significantly different in appearance and layout than “generic manga.”
Plus, he’s cool.
Anyone who wears a cloak or a cape is either a pimp or a divorce lawyer. Or a superhero.
A “high fashion” mask kind of makes sense, considering how many residents of Tokyo wear masks because of air pollution.
I don’t see any reason to think that it is anything more than an ordinary mask. (Although–being black–it would be unacceptable in some schools in Japan.) The simple answer is that isn’t really an odd thing to see in Asia, and since the description of the comic says that he is a famous person who doesn’t want to be recognized, it is convenient to have–doesn’t need to be anything more complicated than that.
They don’t wear masks for air pollution. They wear them whenever they are sick to avoid spreading germs. And so those also became the masks for when you don’t want to be recognized.
Tokyo is flipping gorgeous, not a smog filled place. Some people I know moved there aftee vacationing there, and almost no one is in a mask.
People wear masks mainly if they themselves are sick so as to prevent spreading the sickness to others.
Sometimes if there is an outbreak like influenza a school will mandate everyone to wear a mask.
No one wears a mask because of pollution. It’s not a problem in Tokyo or anywhere else in Japan (nuclear excluded).
Women will sometimes wear a mask if they don’t feel like putting make up on.
I have no idea why anyone wears a mask whilst driving in the car by themselves. But it’s ubiquitous here in Japan.
Why can’t he be all three, like the late Chief Justice Earl Warren?
Black face masks like the one that character is wearing are currently very popular in South Korea, and K-pop stars have increased their popularity in Japan as well. (Kotaku article)
Aha! This is probably the real reason: he represents a meme of Kpop stars wearing black masks.
Huh. I thought that was a weirdly-trimmed beard.
I hope masks don’t become a thing in the US.
Allegedly, the habit started a hundred years ago during the Spanish Flu pandemic and carries on to this day.