What is up with this weird email I received?

I received this email today, and I’m not quite sure what its about. Does anyone have any ideas about what this person is talking about? I tried to do some searches based on their criteria listed at the end, but couldn’t find anything relevant.

Has anyone received a similar email? Has anyone been able to find the website they are talking about?

This is the website in question.

Hmm. A quick glance does not impress; quotes like this …

… make it sound more like a teen angst / cod philosophy website than anything deeper.

It’s masturbation of the ego.

Heh. Take a look at the responses section of the website. The arrogance of this chap is unbelievable; deeming respondents unworthy of his/her attention because of the style of their communication. Pot, kettle, black.

Crusoe- How did you find that site?

I agree, it seems like dreck written by college students who’ve seen “Fight Club” a few too many times. At least they haven’t gone around blowing up mailboxes.


buckgully – I plugged some of the words from the email into AllTheWeb (one of the recommended search engines) and found a thread on another message board. They were slating it too, and one of them had found the link and posted it.

Well, I wonder if the comment I posted there will be worthy of a reply from the great wise one.

I’ll keep you posted, but don’t hold your breath.

Hmmm… where have I heard this before?

Well, much to my surprise I did actually recieve a response devoid of personal abuse.

Here’s what I submitted:

Their response:

My reply:

I sent them a simple message: “You ask us to question everything. Unfortunately, that means that I also have to question to truth.”

I left it deliberately vague, but that’s not only because I’m testing them. It’s a flaw that I’ve found in their logic… they’re assuming, without evidence, that their way is the one true way… which makes their message akin to religion itself. Yet they demand that religion be rejected. Interesting…

It’s a bit like the postmodernist ethic that there are no absolute truths (but you must accept that assertion as absolute truth).

Or the old game… uttering the phrase “This statement is false” should cause the universe to implode… or something.

If only that were true.

This guy wouldn’t be named “Jose Padilla,” would he?

I’ve seen a couple of sites done along these lines. IMHO they’re engaged in trolling on a grand scale. They make provocative statements and wait for resonses from anyone willing to rise to the bait. Then they reply with vague insults, evasions, and more provocative statements, hoping to string the respondents along. Ignore 'em. It takes away all their fun.

Of course, if I were to respond to this joker (not that I would, of course, but, you know, hypothetically) I guess I’d point out to him that if he’s going to rely on his “perfect logic” to achieve his be-all end-all whatever it is, he should be extra extra careful to ensure that he knows what all his “perfect axioms” are, since logic deriving from false axioms leads to total nonsense.

But I won’t. I WON’T. I will resist the temptation!

The kid sounds very narcissistic with a dash of paranoia thrown in for good measure. The vast majority of the site sounds like a bizarre interpretation of some of Albert Camus’s writings.